Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.4.2 How to create an asset management database (for Embedded RDB)

To create an asset management database using Embedded RDB:

  1. Specify necessary information in the dialog box for setting information about the cluster system.
    To specify necessary information, use the following dialog box for setting cluster system information.

    Figure 5-6 Dialog box for setting cluster system information


    If you do not use Asset Information Manager in a cluster system environment, do not specify anything here and proceed to step 2.
    To use Asset Information Manager in a cluster system, select the Use in a cluster system environment check box. The following describes each item to be specified for both executing and standby databases.
    For the executing database
    • Execution mode / Standby mode
      Select Execution mode. By default this item is selected.
    • Logical host name
      Specifies the name of a logical host created in the cluster system. The permitted value is 1 to 64 bytes of alphanumeric characters and %, -, and _.
    For the standby database
    • Execution mode / Standby mode
      Select Standby mode.
    • Logical host name
      Specifies the name of a logical host created in the cluster system. The permitted value is 1 to 64 bytes of alphanumeric characters and %, -, and _.
    • Execution host name
      Specifies the name of an execution host created in the cluster system. The permitted value is 1 to 64 bytes of alphanumeric characters and %, -, and _.
    For details about how to rename logical hosts, see E.6 Renaming the Embedded RDB host. For details about how to rename the executing host, see 5.13.7(1)(b) How to rename the executing host.
  2. Click the Next button.
    The following Basic Database Settings dialog box appears.

    Figure 5-7 Basic Database Settings dialog box (for Embedded RDB)


  3. In the Basic Database Settings dialog box, specify Port number.
    The following describes each item in the dialog box.
    • Port number
      Specify the port number of the database server to be connected. Specify a port number that is not used as an integer from 5001 to 65535. By default, 30010 is specified.
    • ODBC data source name
      Displays the value specified for Service name in the Server Setup dialog box. This item cannot be changed.
    • Connection user ID
      Displays the value specified for Login ID in the Server Setup dialog box. This item cannot be changed.
  4. Click the Next button.
    The following Detailed Database Settings dialog box appears.

    Figure 5-8 Detailed Database Settings dialog box (for Embedded RDB)


  5. Specify Storage folder name and Size.
    The following describes each item in the dialog box.
    • Storage folder name
      In Storage folder name, specify the name of the folder for storing the database. Clicking the ... button displays a dialog box in which you can browse folders and specify a desired folder name. The permitted value is 1 to 125 bytes of alphanumeric characters and _, \, :, ., (, ), and the space. By default, Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\db is specified.
    • Size
      Specifies the maximum size of the database. By default, the estimated value obtained in the Estimate Capacity dialog box is specified. Specify 100 or a greater integer.
      If the Automatically increase size check box is selected, the initial value of the database is used as the maximum size. Specify an integer between 100 and 65,535.
    • Estimate Capacity button
      Enables you to estimate the database capacity. The estimated value is reflected in Size. For details about how to estimate the database capacity, see 5.4.4 Estimating the database capacity.
    • Automatically increase size
      Select this checkbox to set the database to automatically increase in size. By default, this check box is cleared. If this check box is selected, the database size is automatically increased to a maximum value of 65,535 megabytes.
    • Management area
      Displays the size required for the management area. This item cannot be changed.
    • Operation area
      Displays the size that is automatically allocated under the Asset Information Manager installation folder when Embedded RDB is used. This item cannot be changed.
  6. Click the Create button.
    The asset management database is created. When database creation is completed, a message indicating the completion of setup is displayed and the Database Manager dialog box closes. If database creation fails, a message to that effect is displayed, in which case, take an appropriate action according to the displayed message.