Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.4.3 How to create an asset management database (for Oracle)

To create an asset management database using Oracle:

  1. In the Basic Database Settings dialog box, specify Server, SID, and Port number.
    Specify each item in the following Basic Database Settings dialog box.

    Figure 5-9 Basic Database Settings dialog box (for Oracle)


    The following describes each item in the dialog box.
    • Server
      Specifies the server name or IP address of the database to be connected. The permitted value is 1 to 63 bytes of alphanumeric characters and %, ~, -, _, ., /, and \.
    • SID
      Specifies the name of the database to be created. For Oracle8i, specify SID; for Oracle9i, specify the service name. The permitted value is 1 to 8 bytes of alphanumeric characters.
    • Port number
      Specify the port number of the database server to be connected. Specify an integer from 1 to 65535. By default, 1521 is specified.
    • Net service name
      Displays the value specified for Service name in the Server Setup dialog box. This item cannot be changed.
    • Connection user ID
      Displays the value specified for Login ID in the Server Setup dialog box. This item cannot be changed.
  2. Click the Next button.
    The Authenticate User dialog is displayed in order to connect to the database.
  3. In the Authenticate User dialog box, in Administrator ID and Password, enter the administrator ID and password for the asset management database.
  4. Click the OK button.
    When authentication is successful, the following Detailed Database Settings dialog box appears.

    Figure 5-10 Detailed Database Settings dialog box (for Oracle)


    If authentication fails, a message is displayed. Take an appropriate action according to the displayed message.
  5. Specify the user tablespace and temporary tablespace.
    The following describes each item to be specified in the dialog box.
    • Table Name
      Specifies the name of the database area. Specify 1 to 30 bytes of characters. A double quotation mark (") cannot be specified. Specify the name according to the Schema Object Naming convention provided in the Oracle SQL reference documentation. By default, ASSET_DATA is specified for the user tablespace and ASSET_TEMP for the temporary tablespace.
    • File Path
      In File Path, specify the file path for storing the database. Clicking the ... button displays a dialog box in which you can browse files and specify a desired file path. Specify 1 to 255 bytes of characters. Note that ", |, *, <, >, ?, &, ^, and / are not permitted. For the user tablespace, Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\db\asset_db.dbf is specified by default. For the temporary tablespace, Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\db\asset_temp.dbf is specified by default.
    • Initial Size [MB]
      Specifies the initial size of the database area. Specify an integer that is 1 or greater. By default, the estimated value obtained in the Estimate Capacity dialog box is specified as the initial size for the user tablespace and temporary tablespace. You can also use the Estimate Capacity dialog box to specify the initial size.
    • Automatically grow file
      Specifies that the maximum size and expansion increment of the database area are to be changed from the default value. By default, this check box is selected.
    • Maximum file size
      Specifies the maximum size of the database area. By default, Unrestricted file growth is specified. To specify the maximum file size, select Restrict file growth [MB] and then enter a maximum value in megabytes in the input field. Make sure that the integer specified in the input field is greater than the initial size. You can also use the Estimate Capacity dialog box to specify the maximum size.
    • Expansion increment
      Specifies the expansion increment for the database area. Specify an integer that is 1 or greater. By default, the database area is set to be expanded by 1 megabyte at a time.
    • Estimate Capacity button
      Enables you to estimate the database capacity. For details about how to estimate the database capacity, see 5.4.4 Estimating the database capacity.
  6. Click the Create button.
    The asset management database is created. When database creation is completed, a message indicating the completion of setup is displayed and the Database Manager dialog box closes. If database creation fails, a message to that effect is displayed, in which case, take an appropriate action according to the displayed message.