Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.3.4 Setting Basic Information

Basic Information specifies information such as the items that are displayed in windows and the maximum values during operation.

This section describes the settings for Basic Information.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Number of result lines to display
(2) Show number column
(3) Number of search results displayed on a page
(4) Trash group ID for deletions
(5) Trash location ID for deletions
(6) Threshold for license excess
(7) Automatic login settings
(8) Number of days that cookies are effective
(9) Settings for a group that uses a group-specific IP group
(10) Settings for a location that uses a location-specific IP group
(11) Acquisition of DHCP address update log
(12) Sort key for the group-specific tree display
(13) Acquisition of contract history
(14) Number of search results acquired for the operation log
(15) Warning about the operation log list search period
(16) Hierarchy levels to display when tracing
(17) Settings for trace time range
(18) URL of Asset Information Manager
(19) Display substitute Items by default
(20) Create new Item from Item outbox
(21) Status to display in device search windows
(22) Device log management
(23) Audit log entry output
(24) Audit log entry output folder

(1) Number of result lines to display

Number of result lines to display specifies the number of items to be listed as search results in a window. This setting is applicable to windows in which search results are not divided into pages. For the names of windows whose search results are divided into pages, see Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\help\ScreenWithPage.pdf. This setting is applicable to all windows not listed in ScreenWithPage.pdf.

Specification of this item is optional.

(2) Show number column

Show number column specifies whether to display on the window the Number of result lines to display column, which specifies the number of search results to display per page. This setting is applicable to windows used to execute searches and that divide the search results into pages. For the names of windows whose search results are divided into pages, see Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\help\ScreenWithPage.pdf.

(3) Number of search results displayed on a page

Number of search results displayed on a page specifies the number of search results to be displayed per page on a window. This setting is applicable to windows in which search results are divided into pages. For the names of windows whose search results are divided into pages, see Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\help\ScreenWithPage.pdf.

Specification of this item can be omitted.

(4) Trash group ID for deletions

When a group is deleted, a group called Trash is created automatically in order to save temporarily the user information that was registered for the deleted group. Trash group ID for deletions specifies the group ID for Trash.

Specification of this item is optional.

(5) Trash location ID for deletions

When a location is deleted, a location called Trash is created automatically to save the deleted location temporarily. Trash location ID for deletions specifies the location ID for Trash.

The setting for this item can be omitted.

(6) Threshold for license excess

Threshold for license excess specifies the threshold value for sending a warning about software being used in excess of its valid number of licenses. Express the threshold value as a percentage (%) of the valid licenses. For details about how to send a warning about software being used in excess of its valid number of licenses see 5.9.1 Types of tasks.

If you use Task Scheduler to send email about excess licenses being used, make sure that this setting is specified.

(7) Automatic login settings

In Automatic login settings, specify whether to display the Log in automatically from next time dialog box in the login window when referencing the Asset Information Manager information from the following linkage products:

If you log in with Log in automatically from next time selected, the user ID and password do not need to be subsequently entered again on the login window during the period set for Number of days that cookies are effective.

(8) Number of days that cookies are effective

Number of days that cookies are effective specifies the number of days to save the user ID and password to enable automatic login the next time when referencing Asset Information Manager information from the following linkage products:

Specification of this item is optional.

(9) Settings for a group that uses a group-specific IP group

Settings for a group that uses a group-specific IP group specifies whether to set up IP address-specific groups that are using devices. To register IP address-specific groups, use the IP Group job menu. Groups are set according to the IP addresses of the hardware asset information.

This setting is enabled when you execute Asset Information Synchronous Service, the Take inventory task, Take node information task, or Data maintenance task. To enable the setting when executing the Data maintenance task, you must modify the settings file (taskopt.ini). For details about how to modify the settings file, see 5.9.3 Specifying the task to be executed in the Data maintenance task.

Even when Set is selected, the existing value is not overwritten if it is a value acquired from the JP1/Software Distribution user inventory or a value entered from the New Device window or the Device Details dialog box. Therefore, to set group-specific IP groups for all devices, first use the Batch Update job menu to delete the values for all groups. Also make sure that Overwrite setting for in the Assign Inventory job menu is set to Overwrite (Not overwritten if NULL or N/A.).
Reference note
By using the Data maintenance task, you can reliably update the groups according to the settings in the IP Group job menu, even when a value acquired from the JP1/Software Distribution user inventory or a value entered from the New Device window or the Device Details dialog box is set. For details about how to set the Data maintenance task, see 5.9.3 Specifying the task to be executed in the Data maintenance task.

(10) Settings for a location that uses a location-specific IP group

Settings for a location that uses a location-specific IP group specifies whether to set up IP address-specific locations as device locations. To register IP address-specific locations, use the IP Group job menu. Locations are set according to the IP addresses of the hardware asset information.

This setting is enabled when you execute Asset Information Synchronous Service, the Take inventory task, Take node information task, or Data maintenance task. To enable the setting when executing the Data maintenance task, you must modify the settings file (taskopt.ini). For details about how to modify the settings file, see 5.9.3 Specifying the task to be executed in the Data maintenance task.

Even when Set is selected, the existing value is not overwritten if it is a value acquired from the JP1/Software Distribution user inventory or a value entered from the New Device window or the Device Details dialog box. Therefore, to set location-specific IP groups for all devices, first use the Batch Update job menu to delete the values for all locations. Also make sure that Overwrite setting for location-information.location-name in the Assign Inventory job menu is set to Overwrite (Not overwritten if NULL or N/A.).
Reference note
By using the Data maintenance task, you can reliably update the locations according to the settings in the IP Group job menu, even when a value acquired from the JP1/Software Distribution user inventory or a value entered from the New Device window or the Device Details dialog box is set. For details about how to set the Data maintenance task, see 5.9.3 Specifying the task to be executed in the Data maintenance task.

(11) Acquisition of DHCP address update log

Acquisition of DHCP address update log specifies whether log information about a change to the IP address allocated by DHCP is to be acquired in the change logs that are acquired when a device's IP address is changed.

The device is treated as using the DHCP server when one of the following is true:

(12) Sort key for the group-specific tree display

In Sort key for the group-specific tree display, specify the key for sorting the group names displayed in the group-specific tree or group list from the group information (GroupInfo) property. This sort key is applied to the following windows and dialog boxes:

(13) Acquisition of contract history

Acquisition of contract history specifies whether to manage the registered content of the contract information as contract history.

(14) Number of search results acquired for the operation log

Number of search results acquired for the operation log specifies the number of search results for the operation log for each JP1/Software Distribution table to prevent the search time from becoming excessive.

The value cannot be left blank even when operation logs are not managed.

(15) Warning about the operation log list search period

Warning about the operation log list search period specifies the time limit to issue a warning about the search period, using the Operation Log List job menu, to prevent the search time from becoming excessive. If the time elapsed from Search period (start) to Search period (end) exceeds the period specified for this item, a warning is issued. If 0 is specified for this item, no warning is displayed.

The value cannot be left blank even when operation logs are not managed.

(16) Hierarchy levels to display when tracing

Hierarchy levels to display when tracing specifies the number of hierarchy levels to be displayed at a time by selecting the backward or forward trace icon when operations are traced using the Operation Log List and Operation Log Total job menus.

The value cannot be left blank even when operation logs are not managed.

(17) Settings for trace time range

Settings for trace time range specifies the range of time to be treated as being the same when device operations via network are traced using the Operation Log List and Operation Log Total job menus.

The value cannot be left blank even when operation logs are not managed.

(18) URL of Asset Information Manager

URL of Asset Information Manager specifies the URL that is included in the email when the Notification of WSUS updates task is used to send an email notification to the administrator.

If you connect to a WSUS server and report the arrival of update programs by email, make sure that you specify this item.

(19) Display substitute Items by default

Display substitute items by default specifies whether substitute Items are displayed by default, by setting the default status of the Display substitute items as well check box in the Inbox window.

(20) Create new Item from Item outbox

Create new Item from Item outbox specifies whether to allow an Item to be created by copying an existing one.

(21) Status to display in device search windows

In Status to display in device search windows, specify the device status to be displayed for the Status search condition in the Device Totals, Device List, and Add Related Device windows.

(22) Device log management

In Device log management, specify whether to manage the initial device change log of the management-target device. Hitachi recommends that you select Do not manage if you want to improve the performance of importing inventory information from JP1/Software Distribution.

(23) Audit log entry output

In Audit log entry output, specify whether to output audit log entries.

(24) Audit log entry output folder

Audit log entry output folder specifies the folder to which audit log entries are to be output.