Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


3.3.4 Notification of WSUS updates

You can use the Notification of WSUS updates task to automatically send notification by email when new updates are added to the WSUS server.

As shown in the figure below, the notification email lists the URL for the list of new updates and the information on all updates (product name, class, title, and the URL for the updates details). From the URL for the list of new updates and the URL for the updates details, you can display the information that can be viewed from the WSUS Updates Management window of Asset Information Manager. For details about the information that is displayed, see 2.5.3(2) Viewing newly arrived updates (New Arrivals List tab) in the manual Administrator's Guide. For details about how to specify URLs that are included in email, see 5.3.4(18) URL of Asset Information Manager.

Figure 3-14 Updates notification email


In the updates details displayed at the location indicated by the URL, you can change the approval status. For details about how to change the approval status of updates, see 2.5.3(1) Changing the approval status of updates in the manual Administrator's Guide.

Updates details are attached as a CSV file to the email.

The figure below shows the contents of the email attachment. From the URL for detailed information, you can display the Microsoft Web page for the updates for which the notification was issued.

Figure 3-15 File attached to an email sent regarding updates


To synchronize Microsoft Update to the WSUS server, you must specify a value in URL of the WSUS connector in the Server Setup dialog box. For details about the setting, see 5.3.9(1) URL of the WSUS connector.

In the default setting for the Notification of WSUS updates task, the task is executed at 6:00 am on the first day of every month. Set the date and time for this task to be later than those for the Synchronization of WSUS at user-specified timing task so that notification by email can be sent when updates arrives. For the procedure for changing the date, time, and frequency for executing tasks, see 5.9.2(2) Changing a task schedule.