Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


3.3.1 Notification of invalid contract information

You can use the Notification of invalid contract information task to periodically send email notification regarding maintenance, lease, and rental contracts that have expired.

The email sent by this task lists the category, end date, and contract number of each contract, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 3-8 End date notification email


The task also sends CSV files as an email attachments; these files contain lists of the assets corresponding to the contracts that are about to expire. If no lease or maintenance contracts are about to expire, the task does not attach any files.

The following table describes the names and contents of the files that can be attached:

File name Contents
jamexpiration_A.csv List of assets corresponding to lease contracts that are about to expire
jamexpiration_B.csv List of assets corresponding to maintenance contracts that are about to expire
jamexpiration_C.csv List of assets corresponding to rental contracts that are about to expire

The figure below shows an example of the contents of a file attached to an email notification of expiring lease contracts.

Figure 3-9 File attachment to email notification of expiring lease contracts


In the default setting for the Notification of invalid contract information task, the task is executed at 6:00 am on the first day of every month, and it sends a notification by email about any contract that will expire within two months. For details about how to change the date and time and the frequency of task execution, see 5.9.2 Task setup procedure.

Because the task is set to execute only once a month, a short contract whose duration is less than one month may not be included in the notification under the default settings. For example, if a contract is in effect from March 20 through March 30 and was not registered on March 1, it will never be subject to notification by the task.
If such short-time contracts may be common, you should add a schedule for sending email notifications that will include them. For details about the procedure for adding schedules, see 5.9.2(2) Changing a task schedule.