Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


2.1.3 Managing the operation logs

Asset Information Manager can use operation logs to manage the operations that occur in managed devices. This section explains the types of operation logs that are used, and how different operation logs are managed. By acquiring operation logs, you can monitor illegal program usage and Internet usage. You can also obtain the status of each group by totaling up the operation log information.

By acquiring operation logs, Asset Information Manager can monitor illegal program usage and Internet usage. Furthermore, should an information leak occur, the operation logs can be used to trace and investigate the removal of files from the organization, name changes, and other suspicious activities.

Operation logs can be acquired when Asset Information Manager is linked to JP1/Software Distribution.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Operation log types
(2) Difference in management methods

(1) Operation log types

There are several types of operation logs:

(2) Difference in management methods

How an operation log is managed; that is, which job menus are used and how the operation logs are acquired, differs depending on the program product version. Therefore, check these items when designing an asset management system.