Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


4.2.4 Transmission Registration window

The figure below shows an example of a window that displays from the Operations-Manager Console the transmission information registration details at another host. This subsection describes the functions that you can use in the Transmission Registration window.

Figure 4-6 Transmission Registration window


  1. Click [Figure], or right-click in the tree window: Opens host information.
  2. Click [Figure], or right-click in the tree window: Copies all transmission definition information.
  3. Click [Figure], or right-click in the tree or list window: Pastes the copied information.
  4. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Registers new transmission information.
  5. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Changes registered transmission information.
  6. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Deletes transmission information.
  7. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Copies the specified transmission information.
  8. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Refreshes information.
  9. Right-click in the tree window: Outputs the transmission information as text.

  • When Cancel is clicked while Register or Change processing is underway, the message Canceled is displayed, but the registration or change processing might have already been completed.
  • Transmission information cannot be copied between Windows hosts and UNIX hosts that have been set as managed hosts.



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