Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


3.10 Function for controlling remote host connections

At the FTP server, you can limit the FTP clients that are permitted to establish connection.

When the IP addresses or host names of FTP clients whose connection is to be permitted are defined in a permission list, transmission can be performed only by those FTP clients. You can also control connection by defining in a rejection list the IP addresses or host names of FTP clients whose connection requests are to be rejected.

This function checks the definitions in effect when an FTP client attempts to establish connection with the FTP server. If the connection request is rejected, the control connection is lost and no control connection response message is sent.

Note that you can change definitions while the JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Server service is running.

Organization of this section
3.10.1 Registering host names



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