Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Web Operation Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference


6.3.3 Frame for setting status acquisition conditions

The frame for setting status acquisition conditions is the left frame in the Monitor window. This frame specifies the condition for acquiring the status of the items to be monitored.

The following figure shows the frame for setting status acquisition conditions.

Figure 6-7 Frame for setting status acquisition conditions


The following describes the displayed items and how to specify them.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Selecting the items to be monitored
(2) Selecting the range of units for status acquisition
(3) Selecting a monitoring method
(4) Selecting a display method
(5) Selecting search conditions
(6) Buttons

(1) Selecting the items to be monitored

Check box
In the displayed list, select the check box for the items you want to monitor. If you do not select any check box, clicking the Status Acquisition button displays an error dialog box.

Host name
Displays the names of the hosts to be monitored. If you have specified the user environment settings to allow the host names to be edited, the host names appear in the text field and can be edited. If you select the check box but do not enter anything in the text field, clicking the Status Acquisition button displays an error dialog box.

Service name
Displays the names the scheduler services to be monitored. If you have specified the user environment settings to allow the scheduler service names to be edited, the scheduler service names appear in the text field and can be edited. If you select the check box but do not enter anything in the text field, clicking the Status Acquisition button displays an error dialog box.

Unit name
Displays the names of the units to be monitored. If you have specified the user environment settings to allow the unit names to be edited, the unit names appear in the text field and can be edited. If you select the check box but do not enter anything in the text field, clicking the Status Acquisition button displays an error dialog box.
The following table lists the initial values and specifiable values.
Control name Initial value Specifiable value
Host name text field Host name specified in the user environment settings. This field is blank if nothing has been specified. String of 255 or fewer characters (An IP address cannot be specified.)
Service name text field The scheduler service specified in the user environment settings. This field is blank if nothing has been specified. String of 30 or fewer characters
Unit name text field The unit name specified in the user environment settings. This field is blank if nothing has been specified. String of 930 or fewer characters#

You cannot use the following symbols:
\ " [ ] ' ( ) = ; (semi-colon) : (colon) , (comma)

(2) Selecting the range of units for status acquisition

From the drop-down list, select the range of units for which you want to acquire the status. The drop-down list contains the following choices:

(3) Selecting a monitoring method

Select one of the following radio buttons for the monitoring method for the specified items to be monitored:

(4) Selecting a display method

Select one of the following radio buttons for the display method for the results of status acquisition:

If nothing is entered in the text field, clicking the Status Acquisition button displays the error dialog box.

(5) Selecting search conditions

(a) Status

Execution status
Only units in the specified statuses will be displayed. You can select the following check boxes for the statuses. If you do not select any check box, clicking the Status Acquisition button displays units in any status.
  • Now running
  • Being held
  • Shutdown
  • Result
  • Now monitoring
  • Schedule
If you select the Now running or Result check box, you can then select the following conditions from the drop-down list:
  • All
  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Abend
  • Warning/Abend

Delay status
Only units in the delay status will be displayed. You can select the following check boxes:
  • Start delay
  • End delay

Hold plan status
Select the following check box to only display units that are scheduled to be held:
  • Hold in next schedule
The following units will be displayed when the Hold in next schedule check box is selected:
  • Units for which Hold is specified in the hold attribute definition
  • Units for which the hold attribute is set by temporary change
Units for which Hold only for previous abend or Hold only for previous warning is defined for the hold attribute will not be displayed as the units scheduled to be held, unless their attribute is set by temporary change.

(b) Others

Characters included in comment
When you select the check box, only units whose comment contains the specified string specified in the text field will be displayed. If you select the check box but do not enter anything in the text field, clicking the Status Acquisition button displays the error dialog box. The following table describes the initial value and limit value for the text field:
Initial value Specifiable value
String specified in the user environment settings String of 80 or fewer characters

Target host name
When you select this check box, only jobs that are executed on the target host specified in the text field will be displayed. If you select the check box but do not enter anything in the text field, clicking the Status Acquisition button displays the error dialog box. The following table describes the initial value and limit value for the text field:
Initial value Specifiable value
String specified in the user environment settings String of 255 or fewer characters

(6) Buttons

Status Acquisition button
Clicking the Status Acquisition button acquires the statuses according to the conditions specified in this frame, and then displays the results as a list. Any frame displayed on the right side in the Monitor window will change to the statuses frame. If there is no data that meets the conditions, a message appears, indicating so.

Clear button
Clicking the Clear button resets the settings displayed in this frame to the user environment settings.



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Copyright (C) 2010, Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd.