Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide


2.3.5 Cautionary notes on the mail system linkage function

This subsection gives some cautionary notes on the mail system linkage function.

Cautionary notes on using the mail system linkage function on a UNIX host
  • A mail file where mail is stored when an error occurs is created for each package activated by the service. The mail file is usually created in /var/opt/jp1ajs2/sys/infoagt/tmp/mail/errmail.
  • When conditions in multiple email reception monitoring jobs are satisfied and if the Save mail setting is specified in any of the jobs while mail is being monitored, mail is saved in the mail storage file specified by the environment settings file.
  • JP1/AJS3 does not automatically delete the passing information storage file, mail storage file, mismatching mail storage file, received-mail list file, or error mail file created by the email reception monitoring job. Delete these files manually once they have become unnecessary, because they reduce the amount of available disk space.
  • To terminate the mail reception monitoring process in order to stop the mail system linkage, disable the mail system linkage in the common definition information of JP1/Base, and then restart JP1/AJS3.
  • The mail system linkage function in JP1/AJS3 does not check mail unless the email reception monitoring job is executed.
  • Although the mail system linkage function monitors mail files at the specified interval, if the mail file contains multiple emails, it picks up the emails one by one. It takes about one second to handle each email.
  • Do not include a newline character in a received mail body text. If you do include a newline character, a condition for the mail body text cannot be satisfied, leaving the mail linkage function in the reception monitoring state.
  • You can execute an email sending job even if you have not set up the environment as described in 2.3.2 Setting up the environment for an email reception monitoring job.
  • The sendmail function might use a program that restricts the operation of mail delivery functions that are set up later than the sendmail function. That program might prevent the JP1/AJS3 mail delivery function from running normally. In such a case, see the documentation for the program that restricts mail delivery functions and set up the program so that the JP1/AJS3 mail delivery function can run normally.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.