Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


Appendix D.3 Setting up an embedded database (on the secondary node)

This section describes the procedures for installing an embedded database, setting up the environment for operating the embedded database, and setting up the embedded database on the secondary node in a cluster configuration.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Tasks required before installing the embedded database
(2) Installing an embedded database
(3) Setting up the embedded database environment
(4) Environment setting parameter settings
(5) Setting up the scheduler database in an embedded database environment
(6) Setting up multiple scheduler databases in one or more embedded database environments
(7) Setting up an embedded database again
(8) Uninstalling an embedded database

(1) Tasks required before installing the embedded database

Review the tasks required before installing the embedded database. For details about these tasks, see C.2(1) Tasks required before installing the embedded database.

(2) Installing an embedded database

To install an embedded database, you must perform the procedure described in C.2(2) Installing an embedded database. If you plan to install the embedded database on the secondary node in a cluster configuration, read the following notes before starting the installation.

Cautionary notes:
  • When you install the embedded database, install it on the local disk on the secondary node. Specify the same drive name and folder name for the local disks on the primary and secondary nodes.
  • If physical host and multiple logical hosts reside on a single machine and use different embedded databases, specify unique setup identifiers to avoid duplication conflicts.

Also check the detailed information about installation. For details about installation, see C.2(2) Installing an embedded database.

(3) Setting up the embedded database environment

To set up the embedded database environment:

  1. Stop services.
    Stop all services that access the scheduler database. Such services include the JP1/AJS3, and JP1/AJS3 Console Agent services on the physical host and all logical hosts.
  2. In UNIX, delete the environment setting information from the shared memory.
    Use the ajsshmdel command to delete the environment setting information in the shared memory.
    ajsshmdel >/dev/null 2>&1
  3. Execute a command to set up the embedded database environment.
    Use the ajsembdbbuild command to set up the embedded database.
    When executed, the ajsembdbbuild command performs the following operations:
    • Creates the definition information of the embedded database.
    • Creates the embedded database work area.
    When you execute the ajsembdbbuild command on the secondary node, specify the -f option instead of the -r option. For other arguments, specify the same settings that you specified for the primary node.

For details about the ajsembdbbuild command, see ajsembdbbuild in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

The following shows examples of specifying the ajsembdbbuild command when a large-scale embedded database environment is set up. The examples also provide the combination of the item numbers indicated in Table C-2 and Table C-3.

Supplementary note:
You cannot set up an environment that duplexes the system file, but does not use the system log (the combination of items in Table C-2 and Table C-3 is 14-A, 16-A, 18-A, 20-A, 22-A, or 24-A).

Cautionary notes:
  • In the hosts file or in the DNS, you must register the names of both the primary node physical and logical hosts on which an embedded database environment is set up.
  • A host name registered in the jp1hosts definition file cannot be used as the name of a host on which an embedded database environment will be set up.
  • Do not use an alias for the name of a host on which an embedded database environment will be set up.
  • The maximum length of the name of a host on which an embedded database can operate is 32 bytes. Therefore, make sure that the name of a primary node physical or logical host on which an embedded database is set up is 1 to 32 bytes.

(a) For Windows

The specification examples in this subsection assume that the following values are set. Create the following directories before executing the ajsembdbbuild command:

When setting up the environment of the embedded database on the secondary node, specify the name of the primary node physical host for the -eh option of the ajsembdbbuild command.

(b) For UNIX

The specification examples in this subsection assume that the following values are set. Create the following directories before executing the ajsembdbbuild command:

When setting up the environment of the embedded database on the secondary node, specify the name of the primary node physical host for the -eh option of the ajsembdbbuild command.

The following table shows the data area creation directory and system file area creation directory that are used in the specification example.

Type of area Type of file
Normal file RAW file
Data area creation directory /share1/RDArea_JFA /dev/vgshare1/rdb_JFA
System file area creation directory 1 /share2/SYSArea_JFA /dev/vgshare2/rsys_JFA
System file area creation directory 2 /share3/SYSArea_JFA /dev/vgshare3/rsys_JFA

(4) Environment setting parameter settings

Set the environment setting parameters for the scheduler service, as considered in C.1(2)(c) environment setting parameter.

Also, create the directories you specified in the environment setting parameters.

If you create an environment by specifying the -S option in the jajs_setup_cluster command, you do not need to specify the settings in this subsection.

For details on setting the environment setting parameters, see 4.2 Environment setting parameter settings (for Windows) or 13.2 Environment setting parameter settings (for UNIX).

(5) Setting up the scheduler database in an embedded database environment

Unlike setup on the primary node, you do not need to execute the ajsembdbsetup command on the secondary node. However, you must ensure that the common definition information specified on the primary node and that specified on the secondary node are the same.

If you create an environment by specifying the -S option in the jajs_setup_cluster command, you do not need to specify the settings in this subsection.

To specify the common definition information:

  1. Set up the embedded database on the primary node.
  2. Execute the jbsgetcnf command on the primary node to back up the common definition information to a file.
    Execute the following command:

    jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name
  3. Copy the file you created in step 2 to a file on the secondary node.
  4. Execute the jbssetcnf command on the secondary node to specify the common definition information.
    Execute the following command:
    jbssetcnf backup-file-name

This completes setup on the secondary node.

For details about setup on the primary node see D.2(5) Setting up the scheduler database in an embedded database environment or D.2(6) Setting up multiple scheduler databases in one or more embedded database environments.

For details about the jbsgetcnf and jbssetcnf commands, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.

(6) Setting up multiple scheduler databases in one or more embedded database environments

The following describes how to set up multiple scheduler databases in one or more embedded databases.

(a) Setting up a different embedded database environment for each scheduler service

To set up a different embedded database environment for each scheduler service when multiple scheduler services are defined, prepare the areas listed below separately.

Prepare the unload log file creation directory if it is necessary.

When you set up an environment on the secondary node, it is not necessary to create the data area and system file area. Create these areas on a shared disk when the environment is created on the primary node.

When you set up an embedded database environment, specify a port number and embedded database setup identifier so that there are no duplication conflicts with other databases. That is, when executing the ajsembdbbuild command, you must specify a unique port number for each embedded database in the -p option. Similarly, when executing the ajsembdbinstl or ajsembdbbuild command, you must specify a unique embedded database setup identifier for each embedded database in the -id option.

An example of setup is shown below.

This example assumes that the environment described in D.3(3) Setting up the embedded database environment and D.3(4) Environment setting parameter settings is already set up.

n For Windows

Environment for the embedded database:
The following are the details of the embedded database environment to be added:
  • Data area creation directory: q:\EmbDB\RDArea
  • System file area creation directory 1: r:\EmbDB\SYSArea1
  • System file area creation directory 2: s:\EmbDB\SYSArea2
  • Unload log file creation directory: t:\EmbDB\Unload_Log
  • Embedded database work area directory: u:\EmbDB\WorkArea
  • Embedded database installation directory: c:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JFB
  • Scheduler service name: AJSROOT5
  • Embedded database port number: 22231
  • Embedded database setup identifier: _JFB
  • Physical host name of the primary node: physical_host
  • Logical host name: logical_host

Specification of the ajsembdbinstl command:
ajsembdbinstl -mh logical_host 
-s "c:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AJS2\tools\AJS3DB" 
-i "c:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JFB" -id _JFB

Specification of the ajsembdbbuild command:
ajsembdbbuild -l 
-d "q:\EmbDB\RDArea,r:\EmbDB\SYSArea1,s:\EmbDB\SYSArea2" 
-ld u:\EmbDB\WorkArea -br -bl t:\EmbDB\Unload_Log 
-i "c:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JFB" -p 22231 
-id _JFB -f -mh logical_host -eh physical_host

Procedure for setup in an embedded database environment:
For details about how to set up scheduler databases in an embedded database environment, see the specification examples in D.3(5) Setting up the scheduler database in an embedded database environment.

n For UNIX

Environment for the embedded database:
The following are the details of the embedded database environment to be added:
  • Data area creation directory: /share4/RDArea_JFB
  • System file area creation directory 1:/share5/SYSArea_JFB
  • System file area creation directory 2: /share6/SYSArea_JFB
  • Unload log file creation directory:/Unload_Log_JFB
  • Embedded database work area directory:/WorkArea_JFB
  • Embedded database practical directory: /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JFB
  • Scheduler service name: AJSROOT5
  • Embedded database port number: 22231
  • Embedded database setup identifier: _JFB
  • Physical host name of the primary node: physical_host
  • Logical host name: logical_host

Specification of the ajsembdbinstl command:
ajsembdbinstl -mh logical_host -s /opt/jp1ajs2/tools/AJS3DB 
-i /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JFB -id _JFB

Specification of the ajsembdbbuild command:
ajsembdbbuild -l 
-d "/share4/RDArea_JFB,/share5/SYSArea_JFB,
-ld /WorkArea_JFB -br -bl /Unload_Log_JFB 
-i /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JFB -p 22231 -id _JFB 
-f -mh logical_host -eh physical_host

Procedure for setup in an embedded database environment:
For details about how to set up scheduler databases in an embedded database environment, see the specification examples in D.3(5) Setting up the scheduler database in an embedded database environment.

For details about the ajsembdbinstl and ajsembdbbuild commands, see 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

(b) Setting up multiple scheduler databases in one embedded database environment

For details, see D.3(5) Setting up the scheduler database in an embedded database environment.

(7) Setting up an embedded database again

To set up an embedded database again:

  1. Use the ajsembdbunset command to delete the data about the embedded database environment.
  2. If you need to change the embedded database practical directory, uninstall the embedded database, and then reinstall it.
  3. Use the ajsembdbbuild command to set up the embedded database.
  4. Set the common definition information of the primary node on the secondary node.
    When you have completed setup of the primary node, execute the jbsgetcnf command on the primary node to save the common definition information to a file.
    Copy the saved file to the secondary node, specify the name of the saved file in the jbssetcnf command, and execute the following commands:
    • Command to be executed on the primary node:
      jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name
    • Command to be executed on the secondary node:
      jbssetcnf backup-file-name

For details about the ajsembdbunset and ajsembdbbuild commands, see 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2. For details about the jbsgetcnf and jbssetcnf commands, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.

(8) Uninstalling an embedded database

For details about uninstalling an embedded database, see 6.1.1(3) Uninstalling an unnecessary database environment.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.