Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


Appendix C.1 Preparation for using an embedded database

This appendix describes the preparation for using an embedded database as the JP1/AJS3 - Manager scheduler database.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Procedure for installing and setting up an embedded database
(2) Examining the embedded-database operating environment and operating method

(1) Procedure for installing and setting up an embedded database

The following figure shows the procedure for installing and setting up an embedded database.

Figure C-1 Procedure for installing and setting up an embedded database


(2) Examining the embedded-database operating environment and operating method

(a) Operating environment

Carefully consider the following environment conditions related to operation of the embedded database:

n System configuration

Decide whether to configure the embedded database in a non-cluster configuration (physical host) or in a cluster configuration (logical host). The environment conditions consist of both those related to embedded databases and those related to the overall JP1/AJS3 service configuration.

n Environment scale

Based on the scale of JP1/AJS3 operations, select small, medium, or large as the scale of the embedded database environment. The following table provides a guideline for selecting the scale.

Table C-1 Guideline for selecting the scale of the embedded database environment to be set up

Scale Number of units Number of jobs and jobnets executed per day Number of logs to keep
Small 5,000 or less 5,000 or less 5 or fewer
Medium 5,000 to 48,000 5,000 to 30,000 5 to 30
Large 48,000 to 240,000 30,000 to 120,000 30 to 120

If the scale of the operation is larger than the large scale in the table, create the embedded database environment as large scale, and then expand the environment.

For details about how to expand an embedded database environment, see ajsembdbaddarea in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

n System file area

Decide whether it is necessary to duplicate the system files used for the embedded database. If you choose to duplicate the system files, although the required disk space will increase, you will be able to restore the embedded database to the point of a disk failure if one occurs.

The following table shows the required disk space for each type of embedded database operating environment. Select one of the possibilities.

Table C-2 Disk space required for the embedded database operating environment

No. Operating environment Required disk space (in megabytes)
System configuration Environment scale Using RAW files#1 System files duplicated System area#2 Data area System file area Work area Total#3
1 Non-cluster Small No No 170#4 200 320 -- 520
2 Yes 640 840
3 Yes No 320 40 560
4 Yes 640 880
5 Medium No No 1,400 2,800 -- 4,200
6 Yes 5,600 7,000
7 Yes No 2,800 40 4,240
8 Yes 5,600 7,040
No No 6,700 14,000 -- 20,700
10 Yes 28,000 34,700
11 Yes No 14,000 40 20,740
12 Yes 28,000 34,740
13 Cluster Small No No 170#4, #5 200 320 40 x 2#6 600
14 Yes 640 920
15 Yes No 320 600
16 Yes 640 920
17 Medium No No 1,400 2,800 4,280
18 Yes 5,600 7,080
19 Yes No 2,800 4,280
20 Yes 5,600 7,080
21 Large No No 6,700 14,000 20,780
22 Yes 28,000 34,780
23 Yes No 14,000 20,780
24 Yes 28,000 34,780

--: The work area is not necessary

Applicable in UNIX only

The system area is created on the disk on which JP1/AJS3 is installed or in the directory specified in the -i option of the ajsembdbinstl command. For details about the ajsembdbinstl command, see ajsembdbinstl in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

This value does not include the system area amount.

This value varies according to the OS.

OS Size (MB)
Windows 170
HP-UX (IPF) 400
Solaris 260
AIX 200

In a cluster system, the embedded database must be installed on both the primary and secondary nodes.

In a cluster configuration, work areas must be created on both local disks, and must not be created on a shared disk. That is, you must create a work area on both the primary node and the secondary node.

n Operating environment

Take into consideration the following operating environment items related to the embedded database:

The operands in the following system definitions are described below.

Note that if the embedded database is used in JP1/AJS3, normally you do not need to change the system definition for the embedded database. Therefore, change the system definition settings only if a problem occurs.

l System common definition

The following describes the operands in the system common definition, the values of which can be changed by the embedded database system administrator. The path name of the system common definition file is as shown below. You (the embedded database system administrator) can change the values of operands specified in this file.

No. Format
1 set pd_max_users = maximum-number-of-concurrently-connectable-users
2 [set pd_service_port = client-connection-port-number]

(1) pd_max_users = maximum-number-of-concurrently-connectable-users
~ <unsigned integer> ((1 to 2000))
This operand specifies the maximum number of users who can connect to the embedded database. If you want to change the maximum number of users who can connect to the embedded database, change the value of this operand. If connection to the embedded database is requested when the number of users who have already been connected to the embedded database has reached the maximum, the embedded database does not accept the request (the request results in an error). In JP1/AJS3, the default value of this operand is 128.

Cautionary note:
For embedded-database operation commands, each command is counted as a single connection to an embedded database.
The number of connections to the embedded database is counted as shown in the following table.
JP1/AJS3 behavior Number of connections
Startup of JP1/AJS3 - Manager 2
Startup of a scheduler service 4
Execution of a command that performs an operation on a job network 1
Connection from JP1/AJS3 - View The number of viewed scheduler services
Execution of a command that performs an operation on the embedded database 2

(2) pd_service_port = client-connection-port-number
~ <unsigned integer> ((5001 to 65535))
If there is a firewall on the embedded database server side, specify the client connection port number. Note that the port number you specify must satisfy the following condition:
  • Port number that is unique on the host

  • Specify this operand as necessary if you use a product that links to JP1/AJS3. You do not need to specify this operand in JP1/AJS3 - Manager because it is not available in JP1/AJS3 - Manager.
  • If you start multiple servers or units on the same computer, specify a separate port number for each embedded database.

Cautionary note:
Make sure that the port number you specify is outside the range of port numbers assigned automatically by the OS. This differs depending on the OS. If another program is already using a port number in the range and you specify that port number, you will not be able to start the embedded database.

l Single server definition

The following describes the operands in the single server definition, the values of which can be changed by the embedded database system administrator. The path name of the single server definition file is as shown below. You (the embedded database system administrator) can change the values of operands specified in this file.

No. Format
1 set pd_lck_pool_size = size-of-pool-used-for-locking

(1) pd_lck_pool_size = size-of-pool-used-for-locking
~ <unsigned integer> (unit: KB) ((1 to 2000000))
When performing a unit operation or executing an embedded-database operation command, specify, in kilobytes, the size of the shared memory area in the embedded database.
In JP1/AJS3, the default differs depending on the scale specified by the ajsembdbbuild command.
Scale ajsembdbbuild command option Lock pool size
Large -l 60,000
Medium -m 37,500
Small -s 15,000

Operation method:
If operations on many units are attempted at one time by using a command or JP1/AJS3 - View, the KAVS0902-E message might be output to the integrated log, syslog, or Windows event log, causing the operations to terminate abnormally.
If this occurs, review the following items, because the memory area used for locks in the embedded database might be insufficient:
  1. The total number of the top-level units to be defined by using the ajsdefine command, and their subordinate units
  2. The number of units (including subordinate units) specified as the copy sources for unit copy operations performed with the ajscopy command or JP1/AJS3 - View
  3. The number of units (including subordinate units) to be restored by restore operations performed with the ajsrestore command or JP1/AJS3 - View
  4. The total number of root jobnets (including subordinate units) specified as the release sources for release operations performed with the ajsrelease command or JP1/AJS3 - View
  5. The number of root jobnets (including subordinate units) specified, or the number of root jobnets (including subordinate units) defined under the job group specified, for execution registration operations performed with the ajsentry command or JP1/AJS3 - View
  6. The number of jobnets (including subordinate units) specified for re-execution operations performed with the ajsrerun command or JP1/AJS3 - View
  7. The number of units added to the root jobnet, the suspend status of which was released with the ajssuspend command or JP1/AJS3 - View
Compare the value specified for pd_lck_pool_size with the value obtained with the applicable expression below. If the value of pd_lck_pool_size is smaller, change the value to the obtained value.
If the obtained value is smaller, because the amount of memory required for JP1/AJS3 might be insufficient, you need to re-estimate the amount of required memory. For details about how to estimate the amount of required memory, see 3. Estimates in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.
  • In cases 1, 2, 3, or 4 above
    (a + b + c + d) / 4 x 1.2

    a: (total-number-of-job-groups x 2) + total-number-of-years-in-the-calendar-defined-for-job-groups
    b: (total-number-of-jobnets x 2) + total-number-of-schedule-rules-defined-for-all-jobnets
    c: total-number-of-jobs x 2
    d: total-number-of-relations-defined-for-jobs-and-jobnets
  • In cases 5, 6, or 7
    e / 4 x 1.2

    e: total-number-of-jobs-and-jobnets x 3
If the jobnets used in the calculation use the jobnet release function, perform the calculation by using the definition for the jobnets that are currently operating.

Cautionary note:
If you increase the value of this operand, the amount of memory used by the embedded database also increases proportionally. Before you change the value, make sure that there is sufficient memory.
If the value of this operand is too small, an attempt to access JP1/AJS3 might result in an error.

l Changing the system definition

To change the system definition:

  1. Stop the JP1/AJS3 services.
  2. Check the status of the target embedded database.
    ajsembdbstatus -s ust -id _JF0#
  3. If the target embedded database is running, stop it normally. If the target embedded database is not running, start it, and then stop it normally.

    Example of the command used to start an embedded database:
    ajsembdbstart -id _JF0#

    Example of the command used to stop an embedded database normally:
    ajsembdbstop -id _JF0#
  4. Using a text editor, open the system common definition file or a single server definition file.
    Before performing this operation, create a backup of the file in case a problem occurs.
  5. Change the value of the operand.
  6. Save the change made in step 5, and then close the file.
  7. Start the JP1/AJS3 services that you stopped.
    The embedded database is also started at this time.

For the -id option, specify the setup identifier of the target embedded database.
If you use a double-byte space or character, or add an unnecessary line-feed or space character in the system common definition or single server definition, startup of the JP1/AJS3 services fails.

(b) Database operations

Consider the following items related to embedded database operations:

n Use of the system log data

The following describes operation when the system log is used for restoration. You can ignore this item if you do not use the system log for restoration.

Operation that uses unloading
In this method, the data output to a system log file is unloaded (that is, backed up) to another file. The contents of the system log files are unloaded automatically by the embedded database, at which time the system log file becomes available for reuse. However, since disk space is required to store the unloaded log files (called unload log files), available disk space must be monitored. In addition, when the system is restored, the unload log files must be specified in the correct order.

n Times at which the embedded database is backed up

The embedded database can be backed up at either of the following times:

While the JP1/AJS3 service is stopped (while no jobs or jobnets are being executed)
In this case, you must stop JP1/AJS3 when you back up the embedded database. This is the basic backup method. With this method, you can restore the status of the embedded database at the time it was backed up by using the obtained backup data only.

While the JP1/AJS3 service is running (when jobs and jobnets are being executed)
In this case, it is not necessary to stop JP1/AJS3 when you back up the embedded database. However, the unload log file that has been output by the embedded database, together with the data you backed up, is necessary for restoration.

n Point up to which the embedded database is restored from the backup

The embedded database can be restored from the backup up to the following times:

Time when the embedded database was backed up
In this case, you can restore the embedded database to the state existing at the time the embedded database was backed up. However, any updates made after the backup was acquired will not be restored.

Latest synchronization timepoint following backup of the embedded database
In this case, in addition to restoring the embedded database to the state existing at the time of the backup, you can also restore updates occurring after the backup, thereby restoring the database to the latest state.

n Methods for restoring the embedded database from a backup

This subsection describes how you can restore the embedded database from backup data.

By using the backup data only
In this case, you use only the backup data to restore the embedded database. The embedded database is restored to the state existing at the time it was backed up.

By using the backup data and the system log data
In this case, you use the backup data and the system log information output after the backup to restore the embedded database. This method also restores any updates made to the database after the backup. Use this method to restore the embedded database if you use backup data obtained while JP1/AJS3 was running.

The following table shows the methods of embedded database operation.

Table C-3 Methods of embedded database operation

No. Method of operation
System log Time that the embedded database is backed up Time up to which the embedded database is restored from the backup data Method for recovering the embedded database from the backup data
A Not used While the JP1/AJS3 service is stopped Up to the time when the embedded database was backed up Backup data only
B B-1 Unloading used When the JP1/AJS3 service is stopped Up to the time when the embedded database was backed up Backup data only
B-2 Latest synchronization point Backup data and system log data
B-3 While the JP1/AJS3 service is running

The following table shows the advantages and disadvantages of each method of operation. Study this table before you select a method from Table C-3.

Table C-4 Advantages and disadvantages of each method of operation

No.# Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
A Monitoring the status of the system log file is not required.
  • The embedded database can be restored only up to the time when it was backed up.
  • The JP1/AJS3 service must be stopped during the backup.
B Common Monitoring the status of the system log file is not required.
  • The operating status of the automatic log unload functionality must be monitored.
  • An unload log file creation directory must be created.
B-1 If an error occurs in the system log file, the embedded database can be restored by using the backup data only.
  • The embedded database can be restored only up to the time when the database was backed up.
  • The JP1/AJS3 service must be stopped during the backup.
  • If an error occurs in the system log file, the embedded database can be restored by using the backup data only.
  • The embedded database can be restored to the latest state in which updates made after the backup are reflected.
The JP1/AJS3 service must be stopped during the backup.
  • The JP1/AJS3 service need not be stopped during the backup.
  • The embedded database can be restored to the latest state, which includes updates made after the backup.
If the unload log file is lost, the embedded database cannot be recovered by using the backup data only.

The numbers in this table correspond to the numbers in Table C-3.

For details about the backup and how to restore the database from the backup data only, see the following:

When using a method you have selected in Table C-3, you need to use the following commands to set up the environment for the embedded database, back up the embedded database, and restore the embedded database from the backup data only:

The following table shows the options required when you execute these commands.

Table C-5 Specifiable command options

No.# Duplicating system files Options related to the restoration method and use of system log data
(-bs, -br, -bl)
(-ld, -l)
A Not available Not available Not available Not available
B B-1 -bs -bl Not available Not available
B-2 -ld or -l
B-3 -s -ld or -l
A Available -- -- --
B B-1 -br -bl Not available Not available
B-2 -ld or -l
B-3 -s -ld or -l

--: Not applicable.

The numbers in this table correspond to the numbers in Table C-3.

For details about the ajsembdbbuild command, see 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

For details about the ajsembdbbackup and ajsembdbrstr commands, see 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

(c) environment setting parameter

The advanced setup of an embedded database requires that you set the environment setting parameters associated with the scheduler service. Consider the environment setting parameters that you need to set.

For details on the environment setting parameters, see 2.2 Setting up the scheduler service environment in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 2.

The following is an example of defining the environment setting parameters for the scheduler service AJSROOT2:

"AJSTMPDIR"="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\tmp\schedule2"
"JOBINFDIR"="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\jobinf2"
"AJSBKUROOT"="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\backup\schedule2"
"AJSLOGFILE1"="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\log\schedule\AJSROOT2\ajs-log1.log"
"AJSLOGFILE2"="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\log\schedule\AJSROOT2\ajs-log2.log"
"AJSSYSDIR"="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\sys\schedule\AJSROOT2"
"AJSLOGDIR"="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\log\schedule\AJSROOT2"
"AJSDBDIRECTORY"="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\database\schedule\AJSROOT2"



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.