Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


Appendix C.2 Setting up an embedded database

This appendix describes the procedures for installing an embedded database, setting up the environment for operating the embedded database, and setting up the embedded database.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Tasks required before installing the embedded database
(2) Installing an embedded database
(3) Setting up the embedded database environment
(4) Environment setting parameter settings
(5) Setting up the scheduler database in an embedded database environment
(6) Setting up multiple scheduler databases in one or more embedded database environments
(7) Setting up an embedded database again
(8) Uninstalling an embedded database

(1) Tasks required before installing the embedded database

This subsection describes the work that is required before you install the embedded database.

Note on the embedded database:
External client software cannot connect to the embedded database.

(a) For Windows

n Checking free space on the target disk

Check whether the free space on the target disk is sufficient before you install the embedded database. The embedded database requires about 240 MB of free disk space.

n Checking the size of virtual memory

For virtual memory, you must set the same value (fixed value) for the initial size and the maximum size so that a continuous area is created on the same drive. If you cannot allocate a continuous area for virtual memory, the embedded database ends abnormally due to insufficient memory.

To check the size of virtual memory:

  1. In the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel, and then double-click System.
    The System Properties dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click the Settings button of Performance.
    The Performance Options window appears.
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
  5. Click the Change button of Virtual memory.

The following shows the required virtual memory size. To determine the size you actually specify, add the size required by Windows and other programs. If you change the size of the virtual memory, you must restart Windows.

Paging file size = 130 MB

Cautionary note:
The size may increase depending on the number of JP1/AJS3 - Views that are connected or the number of scheduler services that are set.

n Checking the file system

If you install the embedded database on an NTFS file system, do not compress the files under the embedded database practical directory. If you compress this directory, the embedded database will not operate correctly.

(b) For UNIX

n Checking and changing kernel parameters

You need to estimate the required size for the message queue and semaphores used by the embedded database, and change the kernel parameters accordingly. For details about estimating operating system parameters, see 3.2.5 Estimating the values for kernel parameters in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

(2) Installing an embedded database

If you want to use an embedded database as the JP1/AJS3 - Manager scheduler database, execute the following command:


For details about the ajsembdbinstl command, see ajsembdbinstl in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

Notes on installation:
  • Before you execute the ajsembdbinstl command, make sure that you are a member of the Administrators group. If a user who is not a member of the Administrators group attempts to execute the command, an error message appears and installation is canceled.
  • Do not install an embedded database on a network drive.
  • When an embedded database is installed, the tmp folder is created immediately under the installation drive. Do not delete this folder. It is used by the embedded database.
  • In a Windows environment, the embedded database uses ASCII encoding.

(3) Setting up the embedded database environment

To set up an embedded database environment:

  1. Stop all the services.
    Stop all the services that access the scheduler database. Such services include the JP1/AJS3, and JP1/AJS3 Console Agent services on the physical host and all logical hosts.
  2. In UNIX, delete the environment setting information from the shared memory.
    Use the ajsshmdel command to delete the environment setting information in the shared memory.
    ajsshmdel >/dev/null 2>&1
  3. Execute commands to set up the embedded database environment.
    Use the ajsembdbbuild command to set up the embedded database environment.
    When executed, the ajsembdbbuild command performs the following operations:
    • Creates the definition information for the embedded database.
    • Creates an area for the embedded database.
    • Starts the embedded database system.

For details about the ajsembdbbuild command, see ajsembdbbuild in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

The following shows examples of specifying the ajsembdbbuild command when a large-scale embedded database environment is set up. The examples also provide the combination of item numbers shown in Table C-2 and Table C-3.

Supplementary note:
If the system files are duplicated and the system log is not used (combination 2-A, 4-A, 6-A, 8-A, 10-A or 12-A in Table C-2 and Table C-3), the environment cannot be set up.

Cautionary notes:
  • Register the name of the host on which the embedded database environment is set up in the hosts file or DNS.
  • If you register the name of the host on which the embedded database environment is created in the jp1hosts definition file, the host name does not take effect as the host name used for the embedded database.
  • Do not use aliases for the name of the host on which the embedded database environment is set up.
  • The maximum size of the name of the host on which the embedded database can operate is 32 bytes. Therefore, specify the name of the physical host on which the embedded database can be set up in the range from 1 to 32 bytes.

(a) For Windows

The specification examples in this subsection assume that the following values are set. Create the following directories before executing the ajsembdbbuild command:

(b) For UNIX

The specification examples in this subsection assume that the following values are set. Create the following directories before executing the ajsembdbbuild command:

The following table shows the data area creation directory and system file area creation directory that are used in the specification example.

Type of area Type of file
Normal file RAW file
Data area creation directory /RDArea_JF3 /dev/rdb_JF3
System file area creation directory 1 /SYSArea1_JF3 /dev/rsys1_JF3
System file area creation directory 2 /SYSArea2_JF3 /dev/rsys2_JF3

(4) Environment setting parameter settings

Set the environment setting parameters for the scheduler service, as considered in C.1(2)(c) environment setting parameter.

Also, create the directories you specified in the environment setting parameters.

For details on setting the environment setting parameters, see 4.2 Environment setting parameter settings (for Windows) or 13.2 Environment setting parameter settings (for UNIX).

(5) Setting up the scheduler database in an embedded database environment

The ajsembdbsetup command can be used to set up the contents of a scheduler database in an embedded database environment.

When executed, the ajsembdbsetup command performs the following operations:

An example of executing the ajsembdbsetup command in a large-scale embedded database environment is shown below. This example assumes that the following values are set:

ajsembdbsetup -F AJSROOT2 -ru -l -id _JF3 -p 22223

Supplementary note:
When the ajsembdbsetup command is executed, the environment setting parameters listed in the following table are set. Do not change the values of the environment setting parameters listed in the table. For details about the parameters, see 2.2 Setting up the scheduler service environment in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 2.

Table C-6 Environment setting parameters specified when the ajsembdbsetup command is executed

Environment setting parameter Definition Setting specified by the ajsembdbsetup command#
AJSDBTYPE Type of database EmbedDB
TABLENAMEPREFIX Table name prefix Either of the following:
  • -tp option specification value
  • AJS1
RDBAUTHID RDB permission identifier root
RDBUSER RDB access user name ajs2
RDBPASSWORD RDB user password --
RDBHOST Name of the host at the RDB connection destination One of the following:
  • Physical host name
  • -mh option specification value
  • Setting of the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable.
RDBPORT RDB connection port number Either of the following:
  • -p option specification value
  • 22220
RDBIPC Method for communication with RDB server MEMORY
RDBSENDMEMSIZE Send-data memory size for RDB interprocess memory communication Either of the following:
  • -s option specification value
  • 100
RDBRECVMEMSIZE Receive-data memory size for RDB interprocess memory communication Either of the following:
  • -r option specification value
  • 1600

Settings that are numeric values use decimal numbers.

(6) Setting up multiple scheduler databases in one or more embedded database environments

The following describes how to set up multiple scheduler databases in one or more embedded databases.

(a) Setting up a different embedded database environment for each scheduler service

To set up a different embedded database environment for each scheduler service when multiple scheduler services are defined, separately prepare the areas listed below.

Prepare the system file area, the embedded database work area, and, if necessary, the unload log creation directory:

If you set up multiple embedded database environments, specify port numbers and embedded database setup identifiers that are different from those for other embedded databases. That is, when executing the ajsembdbbuild or ajsembdbsetup command, you must specify a unique port number for each embedded database in the -p option. Similarly, when executing the ajsembdbinstl, ajsembdbbuild, or ajsembdbsetup command, you must specify a unique embedded database setup identifier for each embedded database in the -id option.

An example for setup is shown below.

This example assumes that the environment described in C.2(3) Setting up the embedded database environment and C.2(4) Environment setting parameter settings is already set up.

n For Windows

Environment for the embedded database:
  • Data area creation directory: h:\EmbDB\RDArea
  • System file area creation directory 1: i:\EmbDB\SYSArea1
  • System file area creation directory 2: j:\EmbDB\SYSArea2
  • Unload log file creation directory: k:\EmbDB\Unload_Log
  • Embedded database installation directory: c:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JF5
  • Scheduler service name: AJSROOT2
  • Port number of the embedded database: 22224
  • Embedded database setup identifier: _JF5

Specification of the ajsembdbinstl command:
ajsembdbinstl -s "c:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AJS2\tools\AJS3DB" 
-i "c:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JF5" 
-id _JF5

Specification of the ajsembdbbuild command:
ajsembdbbuild -l 
-d "h:\EmbDB\RDArea,i:\EmbDB\SYSArea1,
j:\EmbDB\SYSArea2" -br -bl k:\EmbDB\Unload_Log 
-i "c:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JF5" 
-p 22224 -id _JF5

Specification of the ajsembdbsetup command:
ajsembdbsetup -F AJSROOT2 -ru l -id _JF5 -p 22224

n For UNIX

Environment of the embedded database:
  • Data area creation directory:/RDArea_JF5
  • System file area creation directory 1: /SYSArea1_JF5
  • System file area creation directory 2: /SYSArea2_JF5
  • Unload log file creation directory: /Unload_Log_JF5
  • Embedded database practical directory:/opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JF5
  • Scheduler service name: AJSROOT2
  • Embedded database port number: 22224
  • Embedded database setup identifier: _JF5

Specification of the ajsembdbinstl command:
ajsembdbinstl -s /opt/jp1ajs2/tools/AJS3DB 
-i /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JF5 -id _JF5

Specification of the ajsembdbbuild command:
ajsembdbbuild -l 
-d "/RDArea_JF5,/SYSArea1_JF5,/SYSArea2_JF5" 
-br -bl /Unload_Log_JF5 -i :/opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JF5 
-p 22224 -id _JF5

Specification of the ajsembdbsetup command:
ajsembdbsetup -F AJSROOT2 -ru l -id _JF5 -p 22224

For details about the ajsembdbinstl, ajsembdbbuild, and ajsembdbsetup commands, see 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

(b) Setting up multiple scheduler databases in one embedded database environment

If you want to set up multiple scheduler databases in one embedded database environment, you must create and manage a different table for each scheduler service in the embedded database. To do this, you must change the table name prefix specified when you execute the ajsembdbsetup command.

The following shows an example of specifying the ajsembdbsetup command when setting up the second scheduler database in an embedded database environment.

ajsembdbsetup -F AJSROOT3 -tp AJS3 -ru l -id _JF0

For details about the ajsembdbsetup command, see ajsembdbsetup in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

Cautionary notes:
  • In an embedded database environment in which multiple scheduler databases have been set up, you cannot reorganize just one scheduler database. In this environment, you need to reorganize all the scheduler databases that have been set up. If you want to reorganize only one scheduler database, you must prepare an embedded database environment for each scheduler service. For details, see (a) Setting up a different embedded database environment for each scheduler service.
  • In an embedded database environment in which multiple scheduler databases have been set up, you cannot use the ajsembdbbackup command to back up just one scheduler database. The ajsembdbbackup command can only back up all the scheduler databases set up in an embedded database environment. If a backup created by using the ajsembdbbackup command is used for restoration, all the scheduler databases are restored. Therefore, when you use the ajsembdbbackup and ajsembdbrstr commands to perform backup and restore operations, you must stop all the scheduler services that access the relevant embedded database beforehand. If you use the ajsprint command to back up only the unit definition, you can create a backup for each scheduler database without stopping scheduler services.
    If you want to use the ajsembdbbackup command to back up only one scheduler database, you must prepare an embedded database for each scheduler service. For details, see (a) Setting up a different embedded database environment for each scheduler service.

(7) Setting up an embedded database again

To set up an embedded database again:

  1. Use the ajsprint command to back up the jobnet definitions.
    For details about how to perform the backup, see 2.2.2 Backing up the JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.
  2. Stop all the services that access the scheduler database. Such services include the JP1/AJS3, and JP1/AJS3 Console Agent services on the physical host and all logical hosts.
  3. Use the ajsembdbunset -e command to delete the embedded database environment.
  4. If you need to change the embedded database practical directory, uninstall the embedded database, and then reinstall it.
  5. Use the ajsembdbbuild command to create an embedded database.
  6. Use the ajsembdbsetup command to set up the embedded database.
  7. Start the JP1/AJS3 service.
  8. Restore the jobnet definition that was backed up in step 1.
    See 2.3.3 Recovering the JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.
  9. Register the required jobnet for execution.

For details about commands used in the above procedure, see 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1 and 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

Supplementary note:
In a single embedded database environment, if you execute the ajsembdbunset command when multiple scheduler databases are set up, information about all the scheduler databases is deleted. If this happens, perform steps 1, 6, 8, and 9 above for all the scheduler databases set up for the embedded database environment.

(8) Uninstalling an embedded database

For details about uninstalling an embedded database, see 6.1.1(3) Uninstalling an unnecessary database environment.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.