Tuning Manager Software 運用管理ガイド


5.3.4 初期設定ファイルのファイル例



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE application SYSTEM "config.dtd">
 * Title: Performance Reporter Configuration File
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Hitachi,Ltd.
 * Licensed Material of Hitachi, Ltd. Reproduction, use, modification or disclosure 
   otherwise than permitted in the License Agreement is strictly prohibited.
 * Note: Original
 * Version: 7.5.0
 * $Revision: 1 $
 * $Modtime: 13/03/12 10:25 $

<application name="PerformanceReporter">


        <!-- Path of log files directory -->
        <param name="logDir" value=""/>

        <!-- Maximum number of log files
                Specifiable values: 1 to 16
                Default           : 10
        <param name="logFileNumber" value="10"/>

        <!-- Size of a log file (unit: MB=1024x1024byte)
                Specifiable values: 1 to 100
                Default           : 4
        <param name="logFileSize" value="4"/>

        <!-- Maximum number of log files
             This parameter affects only jpcrpt command log.
                Specifiable values: 1 to 64
                Default           : 10
        <param name="logFileNumberMulti" value="10"/>

        <!-- Size of a log file (unit: MB=1024x1024byte)
             This parameter affects only jpcrpt command log.
                Specifiable values: 1 to 16
                Default           : 4
        <param name="logFileSizeMulti" value="4"/>

        <!-- Logging level of a log file
                Specifiable values: FATAL/WARN/DEBUG/TRACE
                Default           : WARN
        <param name="logLevel" value="WARN"/>


        <!-- lineSeparator
                Specifiable values: CRLF,LF
                Default           : CRLF
        <param name="lineSeparator" value="CRLF"/>

        <!-- characterCode
                Specifiable values: US-ASCII,windows-1252,ISO-8859-1,UTF-8,UTF-16,UTF-16BE,UTF-16LE,Shift_JIS,EUC-JP,EUC-JP-LINUX,MS932
        <param name="characterCode" value=""/>

        <!-- Export filename -->
        <param name="csvFileName" value="Export.csv"/>

            <!-- The host computer name to which PFM View Server operates. -->
            <param name="host" value="localhost"/>

            <!-- The port number which PFM View Server uses.
                Specifiable values: 1024 to 65535
                Default           : 22286
            <param name="port" value="22286"/>
            <!-- The callback port number which Performance Reporter service uses.
                Specifiable values: 1024 to 65535
                Default           : N/A
            <param name="ownPort" value=""/>

            <!-- The callback port number which Performance Reporter command uses.
                Specifiable values: 1024 to 65535
                Default           : N/A
            <param name="ownCmdPort" value=""/>

            <!-- The callback hostname which PFM View Server uses. -->
            <param name="ownHost" value=""/>


        <!-- The maximum limits of the records.
                Specifiable values: 1 to 2,147,483,647
                Default           : 1,440
        <param name="maxFetchCount" value="1440"/>

        <!-- The maximum caches of the print windows.
                Specifiable values: 5 to 20
                Default           : 20
        <param name="printCacheSize" value="10"/>

        <!-- The maximum print window output table rows.
                Specifiable values: 0 to 15,000
                Default           : 0
        <param name="printTableMaxRowSize" value="15000"/>

        <!-- Reduce amount of virtual memory used when displaying reports.
                Specifiable values: true,false
                Default           : false
        <param name="memoryReductionMode" value="false"/>

        <!-- The display count per a page.
                Specifiable values: 1 to 2,147,483,647
                Default           : 20
        <param name="displayCountPerPage" value="20"/>

        <!-- Maximum data receiving count per report.
                Specifiable values: 1 to 360
                Default           : 30
        <param name="maxRealtimeCache" value="30"/>

        <!-- Maximum data receiving interval per report. (unit: ms)
                Specifiable values: 60000 to 3600000
                Default           : 600000
        <param name="realtimeCacheInterval" value="600000"/>

        <!-- The auto refresh interval. (unit: s)
                Specifiable values: 10 to 3600
                Default           : 60
        <param name="updateInterval" value="60"/>

        <!-- The login session timeout which Performance Reporter service uses. (unit: s)
               Specifiable values: 0 to 86400
               Default           : 4000
        <param name="sessionTimeout" value="4000"/>

        <!-- The range extension for condition expression definitions using ulong fields.
                Specifiable values: true,false
                Default           : false
        <param name="condExpValueUlongExtension" value="false"/>

        <!-- Maximum series label length.
                Specifiable values: 1 to 1024
                Default           : 30
        <param name="maxSeriesLabelLength" value="30"/>

        <!-- The Switch of the divided data receivable.
            Specifiable values: true or false
            Default           : true
        <param name="blockTransferMode" value="true"/>

        <!-- Exponential display for scales of graph.
            Specifiable values: true,false
            Default           : true
        < param name="exponentialDisplayMode" value="true"/>

          <!-- The directory where reportCache files is stored.
                  Default           : <install directory>\reportcache
          <param name="reportCacheFileDir" value=""/>
          <!-- graph Report Max ReportDataSize.
                 Specifiable values: 1 to 2,000,000
          <param name="graphMaxReportData" value="2000000"/>

        <!-- Format set is specified.
                Specifiable values : pattern-ddMMyyyy,pattern-MMddyyyy,pattern-yyyyMMdd
            <param name="selectFormat" value=""/>

            <!-- The directory where bookmark repository is stored.
                Default           : <install directory>\bookmarks
            <param name="bookmarkRepository" value=""/>

            <!-- Priority of Health check.
                Specifiable values: HOST or AGENT
                Default           : HOST
            <param name="priority" value="HOST">

          <!-- Display legend count
                 Specifiable values: 1 to 43
                 Default           :14
          <param name="displayLegendCount" value="14"/>


        <!-- series color for graph.
             Possible to set, color1 to color16.
             Set RGB color,  R, G and B can be set delimits by comma.
             Specifiable values: 0 to 255

        <!-- dark orange -->
        <param name="color1" value="235,143,21"/>

        <!-- dark red -->
        <param name="color2" value="204,0,0"/>

        <!-- dark green -->
        <param name="color3" value="102,153,0"/>

        <!-- dark blue -->
        <param name="color4" value="0,102,255"/>

        <!-- dark violet -->
        <param name="color5" value="102,0,255"/>

        <!-- dark pink -->
        <param name="color6" value="255,51,153"/>

        <!-- light orange -->
        <param name="color7" value="255,185,0"/>

        <!-- light red -->
        <param name="color8" value="255,17,17"/>

        <!-- light green -->
        <param name="color9" value="136,204,0"/>

        <!-- light blue -->
        <param name="color10" value="71,145,255"/>

        <!-- light violet-->
        <param name="color11" value="134,51,255"/>

        <!-- light pink -->
        <param name="color12" value="255,149,246"/>

        <!-- Not use Color Number at Graph type Circle.
             Possible multiple number, set delimits by comma.
             Specifiable values: 0 to 16
             Default           : 0
        <param name="noUseCircleColor" value=""/>
            sample setting pattern,
            colors are used before Performance Reporter 07-21.
            color1            : red
            color2            : orange
            color3            : blue
            color4            : light gray
            color5            : magenta
            color6            : yellow
            color7            : gray
            color8            : lime
            color9            : dark gray
            color10           : cyan
            color11           : black
            color12           : pink
            not use Color Number at Graph type Circle.
                  : color1
        <param name="color1" value="255,0,0"/>

        <param name="color2" value="255,200,0"/>

        <param name="color3" value="0,0,255"/>

        <param name="color4" value="192,192,192"/>
        <param name="color5" value="255,0,255"/>
        <param name="color6" value="255,255,0"/>
        <param name="color7" value="128,128,128"/>
        <param name="color8" value="0,255,0"/>
        <param name="color9" value="64,64,64"/>
        <param name="color10" value="0,255,255"/>
        <param name="color11" value="0,0,0"/>
        <param name="color12" value="255,175,175"/>

        <param name="noUseCircleColor" value="1"/>


        <!-- Symbol Size of line graph.
            Specifiable values: LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL, AUTO
            Default            :MEDIUM
           <param name="lineSymbolSize" value="MEDIUM"/>

        <!-- legend Series Order or Horizontal Bar.
            Specifiable values: FORWARD, REVERSE
            Default            :REVERSE
           <param name="legendSeriesOrderForHBar" value="REVERSE"/>

        <!-- Using enable auto label in default graph option settings.
            Specifiable values: true or false
            Default            :false
           <param name="enableAutoLabelAtDefaultDisp" value="false"/>

         <!-- Maximum  Integer Digits for auto label.
            Specifiable values: 1 to 14
            Default            :7
           <param name="autoLabelMaxIntegerDigits" value="7"/>

        <!-- Maximum  Fraction  Digits for auto label.
            Specifiable values: 1 to 6
            Default            :3
           <param name="autoLabelMaxFractionDigits" value="3"/>

        <!-- Maximum  Truncate Length for auto label.
            Specifiable values: 0 to 2,147,483,647
            Default            :0
           <param name="autoLabelTruncateLength" value="0"/>

        <!-- Maximum plot data for auto label.
            Specifiable values: 1 to 2000
            Default            :1440
           <param name="maxAutoLabelPoints" value="1440"/>

        <!-- Displayed on the foreground for combination Graph.
            Specifiable values:  3DBAR, LINE
            Default            :3DBAR
           <param name="foregroundCombinationGraph" value="3DBAR"/>

        <!-- Displayed maximum fraction digits for data label.
            Specifiable values:  0 to 15
            Default            :0
           <param name="precision" value="3"/>

        <!--displayed append comma in Number for data label.
            Specifiable values:  true or false
            Default            :false
           <param name="appendCommaDisplayedForNum" value="false"/>

         <!-- Use anti-aliasing to generate a graph of an area does not contain.
              Specifiable values : true or false
              Default             : true
            <param name="enableAntiAliasForNonAreaGraph" value="true"/>

            <!-- The maximum limits of the records.
                 Specifiable values: 1 to 2,147,483,647
                 Default           : The value of maxFetchCount of the <vsa> tag is applied.
          <param name="maxFetchCount" value="1440"/>



 * Title: Performance Reporter Configuration File DTD
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Hitachi,Ltd.
 * Licensed Material of Hitachi, Ltd. Reproduction, use, modification or disclosure
   otherwise than permitted in the License Agreement is strictly prohibited.
 * Note:
 * Version: 7.5.0
 * $Revision: 1 $
 * $Modtime: 13/03/12 10:05 $

<!ELEMENT application (logging,export,vsa,draw?,command?,common?)>
    <!ATTLIST application name ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT param (#PCDATA)>
    <!ATTLIST param name CDATA #REQUIRED>
    <!ATTLIST param value CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!-- common parameters -->
<!ELEMENT common (param*)>

<!-- logging parameters -->
<!ELEMENT logging (param+|separately?)* >
<!ELEMENT separately (param*)>

<!-- export parameters -->
<!ELEMENT export (param*)>

<!-- vsa parameters -->
<!ELEMENT vsa (vserver-connection,param*,vsa-factory?,report-cachefile-mode?,format,bookmark?,
<!ELEMENT vserver-connection (param*)>
<!ELEMENT vsa-factory (param*)>
<!-- report-Cachefile-mode -->
<!ELEMENT report-cachefile-mode (param*)>
<!ELEMENT format (param?,date-format?,locale-format*,modify-format*)>
<!ELEMENT date-format (#PCDATA)>
    <!ATTLIST date-format
              pattern   (pattern-yyyyMMdd |
                         pattern-ddMMyyyy |
                         pattern-MMddyyyy ) #IMPLIED
              separator (space |
                         slash |
                         hyphen |
                         period ) #IMPLIED
              export-separator (space |
                         slash |
                         hyphen |
                         period ) #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT locale-format (date-format?,locale*,locale-format*)>
<!ELEMENT locale (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT modify-format (date-format?,locale*)>

<!--bookmark parameters -->
<!ELEMENT bookmark (param*)>

<!--service agent node -->
<!ELEMENT service-agent-collector-node (param*)>
<!ELEMENT service-agent-store-node (param*)>

<!--health check-->
<!ELEMENT health-check (param*)>

<!ELEMENT function-switch (agent-icon?)>
<!ELEMENT agent-icon (param*)>

<!-- collection-points -->
<!ELEMENT graph-collection-points (param*)>

<!-- command parameters -->
<!ELEMENT command (export?)>

<!-- draw parameters -->
<!ELEMENT draw (chart-symbolColors|chart-style|error-image|param)*>
<!ELEMENT chart-symbolColors (param*)>
<!ELEMENT chart-style (param*)>
    <!ATTLIST chart-style id CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT error-image (param*)>
    <!ATTLIST error-image id CDATA #REQUIRED>

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