
In-Memory Data Grid Hitachi Elastic Application Data Store

14.3.9 listkey (displays a list of keys)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Description

This subcommand displays a list of keys that are stored in a cache.

(2) Rules

(3) Format

eztool listkey [-g group-name|-s] [-f maximum-number-of-keys-during-forced-execution]
               [--format format-name]
               [--columns column-name[,column-name]...]
               [--filter filter-condition]
               [--match matching-condition]

(4) Options and arguments

(a) -g group-name or --group group-name

Specify this option to display only those keys that belong to the specified group.

For details about the data that can be specified as group names, see 15.2.2(2) Data that can be specified as group names.

(b) -s or --single

Specify this option if you want to display only those keys stored on the EADS server on which this subcommand is executed.

(c) -f maximum-number-of-keys-during-forced-execution or --force maximum-number-of-keys-during-forced-execution

Specify this option when the number of keys in the target range is greater than 1,000 and you want to increase the maximum number of keys that can be processed by the subcommand, and then forcibly execute the subcommand.

Note that when this subcommand is executed with the maximum value increased, its processing might not be completed successfully and a large amount of EADS server resources might be used.

You can specify an integer in the range from 1001 to 10000 for the maximum number of keys.

Important note

Consider specifying this option when the number of keys in the target range is not too much greater than 1,000.

  • If the total number of keys stored in any one of the EADS servers does not exceed 1,000, we recommend that instead of executing this operation, you execute the eztool listkey command sequentially on each EADS server with the -s or --single option specified.

  • If the total number of keys that belong to any one of the groups in the highest hierarchy does not exceed 1,000, execute the eztool listkey command with the -g or --group option specified sequentially for each group with the group hierarchy name in the highest hierarchy obtained by using the eztool listgroup command (note that keys that do not belong to groups cannot be checked by this method).

(d) cache-name

Specify the name of the cache for which keys are to be displayed.

The following characters are permitted for a cache name:

  • If cache property files were not used to create caches

    A maximum of 32 single-byte characters in ASCII codes 0x20 to 0x7E

  • If cache property files were used to create caches

    A maximum of 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters (0 to 9, A to Z, and a to z)

(e) --format format-name

For details about this option, see 14.4.2 How to specify the display format.

(f) --columns column-name[,column-name]...

For details about this option, see 14.4.3 How to specify column filters.

(g) --filter filter-condition

For details about this option, see 14.4.4 How to specify row filters.

(h) --match matching-condition

For details about this option, see 14.4.5 How to specify a condition match.

(5) Output example

The following shows output examples of the eztool listkey command's execution results.

For details about the components of the displayed information, see 14.4.1 Components of the displayed information.


The following tables list and describe the summary and content information that are displayed.

Table 14‒22: Summary information displayed by the eztool listkey command


Summary name




Number of keys in the specified range

Table 14‒23: Content information displayed by the eztool listkey command


Column name




EADS server's IP address and port number used to communicate with the EADS clients.#

This information is displayed in the following format:

IP address:port number



Location (hash value) of an EADS server#



EADS server ID#



Keys in the specified range


The execution results are displayed according to the following priorities:

  1. The results are displayed in descending order of the Position values.

  2. The rows with the same Position value are displayed in natural order of the Key values.


If the execution results contain multiple cells with the same value consecutively, only the first such cell is displayed and the other cells are omitted.

(6) Return code

The following table lists the return codes that this subcommand returns.

Table 14‒24: Return codes returned by the eztool listkey command


Return code


eads.command.compat parameter omitted in the command properties

0300 specified in the eads.command.compat parameter in the command properties




Command execution was successful.




Initialization of the command failed.



The command failed due to a syntax error.



The command failed during execution.



The command failed due to a timeout.

When the --match option is specified:

If the condition was satisfied, the subcommand returns 0; otherwise, the subcommand returns 1. If the command's execution failed, the return code is the same as when the --match option is not specified.

(7) Notes