Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


10.2.2 Searching for devices (Device List)

You use this job to search the owned devices for specified devices. You can change the information about the searched devices.

To search for devices, start from the Device List window, which is displayed by clicking the Device List job menu item. The following figure shows the Device List window.

Figure 10-9 Device List window


You can use the Server Setup dialog box to specify the device statuses that can be selected for the Status search condition. For details about how to specify the settings, see 10.2.3(12) Status to display in device search windows in the manual Setup Guide.

If the IP address is specified in the search condition and you are searching by partial match or beginning-of-word match, keep in mind the two-digit-number-or-less specification method. For example, if 192.168.1 is specified for the search, the search is in the range from 192.168.100.XXX to 192.168.199.XXX. Therefore, if you want to search 192.168.1.XXX, enter 192.168.1. ending with a dot, or in the form 192.168.001, with leading zeros. Also, if you want to search XXX.22.1.XXX, specify .22.1. or 022.001.

Displaying detailed information about a device
In the search results list, clicking an Asset No. link displays the Device Details dialog box that enables you to reference and edit detailed information about that device. For details about how to browse and edit detailed information for each device, see 10.2.6 Management of detailed information about a device.