Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


3.4 Acquiring directory information

You can acquire directory information managed by Active Directory, such as group and user information, and use it in the managing server.

This section describes how to acquire directory information from Active Directory.

For details about the information that can be acquired from Active Directory, see 2.2.4 Acquiring directory information in the manual Description and Planning Guide.

You can use the Directory Information window to check the acquired directory information. For details about the Directory Information window, see 1.4.7 Directory Information window.

Note that directory information cannot be acquired by JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).

Organization of this section
3.4.1 How to acquire directory information
3.4.2 Extracting the information needed for setup
3.4.3 Creating a map file
3.4.4 Creating a parameter file
3.4.5 Executing dcmadsync.exe (directory information acquisition command)
3.4.6 How to manually assign Active Directory computer information and JP1/Software Distribution system configuration information