Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


2.2.4 Software Conditions page

Use this page to specify software conditions for the client where remote installation will occur. You can set multiple conditions, in which case the software will be installed only when all the conditions are satisfied.

You can specify the following two types of conditions:

The specified condition is examined immediately before installation. Therefore, the package is downloaded to the client regardless of whether the condition is satisfied.

Figure 2-15 Software Conditions page


Organization of this subsection
(1) Software conditions

(1) Software conditions

Create a conditional expression for identifying the software to be installed remotely. Specifying a condition and then choosing Add displays the conditional expression in the list as enabled.

(a) Package name/package ID

Select either Package name or Package ID as the means for identifying the software to be installed remotely. The default is Package name.

After making this selection, specify the actual package name or ID in the text box. Alternatively, you can select it by browsing the list. Permitted package names (package IDs) are those installed by JP1/Software Distribution and those acquired by a Get software information from client job. Wildcards cannot be used.

(b) Conditions

Specify checking conditions, such as whether or not the software has been installed and its version.

When this option is selected, remote installation executes only if the specified software is not already installed on the client or relay system.

When this option is selected, remote installation executes only if the specified software is already installed on the client or relay system. You use a combination of items from the Comparison, Version, and Generation menus to specify the condition for selecting the software. Only one comparison value is allowed per expression.
Select a comparison value to be applied to the version and generation numbers to be specified from the adjacent menus. For example, when < is selected, remote installation will be executed only if the installed version is older than the specified version.
Select or enter the version to be used for comparison.
Select or enter the generation number to be used for comparison. If no generation number is available, this option need not be specified.
For example, if the condition PROGRAM<0200 is specified, remote installation will be executed at a client if its existing version of PROGRAM is older than version 0200.

If you plan to specify a software condition for installing a package, Hitachi recommends that you select the Maintain the installation history in case an error occurs during installation of the package check box on the Installation Options page for setup in the distribution destination system. For details, see 6.2.11 Installation Options page in the manual Setup Guide.