Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide
This table stores permission conditions for software operation monitoring.
Column name | Oracle | Microsoft SQL Server | Embedded RDB | Description | Key No. | |||
Data type | Size | Data type | Size | Data type | Size | |||
dm_policyname | VARCHAR2 | 64 | varchar | 64 | MVARCHAR | 64 | Associated policy name | -- |
dm_seqnumber | NUMBER | 10 | int | 4 | INTEGER | -- | Program sequence number corresponding to the program being monitored for a policy | -- |
dm_type | NUMBER | 10 | int | 4 | INTEGER | -- | Type of permission conditions:
-- |
dm_extype | NUMBER | 10 | int | 4 | INTEGER | -- | Extended type of permission conditions: If the type is 1 (user type):
-- |
dm_value | VARCHAR2 | 255 | varchar | 255 | MVARCHAR | 255 | Permitted range and value: If the type is 4 (time) and a range is specified, the time is stored in the following format: "hh:mm" - "hh:mm" |
-- |
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