Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.42 netmdm_monitoring_policy

This table stores an operation monitoring policy for software operation monitoring.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_policyname VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Policy name 1
dm_permanent CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Whether the process being monitored is to be started or stopped:
  • 0x00: Start
  • 0x01: Stop
dm_monitoringconf CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Whether the operation history is to be monitored:
  • 0x00: Monitor
  • 0x01: Do not monitor
dm_eventtype NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Type of event subject to monitoring of operation history. OR of the following values is set:
  • 0x00000000: No event to be monitored
  • 0x00000001: Start of process
  • 0x00000002: Stop of process
  • 0x00000004: Change to window captions
  • 0x00000008: Change of active window
  • 0x00000010: Start or stop of PC
  • 0x00000020: Log in or out
dm_loglevel NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Log output message level:
  • 0: Do not output
  • 1 to 10: Output only Error
  • 11 to 20: Output Error and Information
  • 21 to 30: Output Error, Information, and Warning
  • 30 and above: Output Error, Information, Warning, and trace
dm_maxdisplaytime NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Display time of stop warning dialog box (seconds) --
dm_sendconf CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Whether results information is to be sent:
  • 0x00: Send
  • 0x01: Do not send
dm_sendbasetime VARCHAR2 5 varchar 5 VARCHAR 5 Reference time for sending results information (24-hour format hh:mm). This item is applicable when results information is to be sent. --
dm_sendlimit NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Maximum delay from the reference time for sending results to the time the transmission of results begins (in seconds). This item is applicable when results information is to be sent. --
dm_sendinterval NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Interval at which results information is sent (in seconds). This item is applicable when results information is to be sent. --
dm_sendoption CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Whether the transmission is to take place immediately. This item is applicable when results information is to be sent.
  • 0x00: Send immediately
  • 0x01: Do not send immediately
dm_maxfilesize NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Maximum size of file for storing the results (in bytes) --
dm_modifieddatetime DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Date and time policy was edited --
dm_eventtype2 NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Event type monitored in file manipulation. OR of the following values is set:
  • 0x00000000: No event to be monitored
  • 0x00000001: Copy file/folder
  • 0x00000002: Move file/folder
  • 0x00000004: Rename file/folder
  • 0x00000008: Delete file/folder
  • 0x00000010: Create file/folder
  • 0x00000020: Open file
dm_actiontype CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Whether to permit startup of a program other than the monitoring target program:
  • 0x00: Permit
  • 0x01: Suppress
If the monitoring target program is not set, 0x00 is set.
dm_metering CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Whether to monitor operation time:
  • 0x00: Monitor.
  • 0x01: Do not monitor.
If no program is set to be monitored, 0x01 is set.
dm_boundarytime CHAR 5 char 5 VARCHAR 5 Boundary time for monitoring operation time, specified in the format hh:mm. --
dm_version VARCHAR2 8 varchar 8 MVARCHAR 8 Policy version --
dm_generation VARCHAR2 4 varchar 4 MVARCHAR 4 Policy generation number --
dm_extmedialogconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to collect external media operation log:
  • 0x00: Collects
  • 0x01: Does not collect
dm_usbconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to permit access to USB-connected media:
  • 0x00: Permits
  • 0x01: Suppresses both writing and reading
  • 0x02: Suppresses only writing
dm_cddvdconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to permit writing via the internal CD/DVD drive:
  • 0x00: Permits
  • 0x01: Suppresses
dm_fdconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to permit access to the internal floppy disk drive:
  • 0x00: Permits
  • 0x01: Suppresses
dm_ieeeconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to permit access to IEEE 1394-connected media:
  • 0x00: Permits
  • 0x01: Suppresses
dm_sdconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to permit access via the internal SD card slot:
  • 0x00: Permits
  • 0x01: Suppresses
dm_weblogconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to collect Web access logs:
  • 0x00: On
  • 0x01: Off
dm_webfilteringconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to filter Web access logs, and the filtering method to use:
  • 0x00: Does not filter
  • 0x01: Collects only those logs that satisfy the filtering condition
  • 0x02: Collects those logs that do not satisfy the filtering condition
dm_printinglogconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to collect print operation logs:
  • 0x00: On
  • 0x01: Off
dm_printingconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to suppress printing:
  • 0x00: On
  • 0x01: Off
dm_printingpassconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether to set up a password for canceling print operation suppression:
  • 0x00: On
  • 0x01: Off
dm_printingpassword VARCHAR2 30 varchar 30 MVARCHAR 30 Password for canceling print operation suppression as plain text.
0-30 bytes
dm_usbconnectconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether or not to exclude access to USB media from being suppressed:
  • 0x00: Excludes
  • 0x01: Does not exclude
dm_warningmessconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether or not to display a message on the client's PC while operations to USB media are being suppressed:
  • 0x00: Displays
  • 0x01: Does not display
dm_restmessconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether or not to display an optionally-created message on the client's PC while USB operations to media are being suppressed, rather than display the default message:
  • 0x00: Displays
  • 0x01: Does not display
dm_restmessage VARCHAR2 2,048 varchar 2,048 MVARCHAR 2,048 Stores a message to be displayed on the client's PC while operations to USB media are being suppressed. --
dm_mergepolicy NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Management information of JP1/Software Distribution Manager --
dm_printingtype NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether or not a client on which File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks is not installed exists in a shared network printer environment:
  • 0x00: Exists
  • 0x01: Does not exist
dm_usbhistoryconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Connection history of USB-connected media to be acquired:
  • 0x01: Acquires connection permission history
  • 0x02: Acquires connection suppression history
dm_devicewriteconf NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether or not to suppress writing data to a device:
  • 0x00: Does not suppress writing (off)
  • 0x01: Suppresses writing (on)

--: Not applicable