Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.40 netmdm_monitoring_filter

This table stores filtering information during logging for software operation monitoring.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_policyname VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Associated policy name --
dm_type CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Filtering target. OR of the following value is set:
  • 0x01: Usage history
  • 0x02: Operation history
  • 0x04: File operation history
dm_extype CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Filtering type:
  • 0x01: Process name
  • 0x02: Execution account
  • 0x03: Extension
dm_value VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 VARCHAR 255 Filtering information:
Filtering information for the type specified in dm_extype (process name, execution account, extension)
dm_actiontype CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Whether filtering condition is to be collected:
  • 0x00: Collect log
  • 0x01: Do not collect log information

--: Not applicable