Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.6 Settings for dial-up connections

In a WAN environment using dial-up connections, JP1/Software Distribution starts after a line connection is made; however, a connection can also be established by performing auto-dialup when a JP1/Software Distribution system starts. Dial-up connections can be used for the following types of connections:

A dial-up connection cannot be used to establish a connection from the managing server to a client or from a relay system to a client.

In a system in which managing servers are configured in a hierarchy, a dial-up connection cannot be used to connect from the central manager to a relay manager.

For details about dial-up connections with the remote control facility, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide.

Organization of this section
6.6.1 Prerequisites
6.6.2 Network settings for dial-up connections
6.6.3 Settings required during installation and setup of JP1/Software Distribution
6.6.4 Verifying remote access service settings
6.6.5 Example of settings for dial-up connections