Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.6.1 Prerequisites

Organization of this subsection
(1) Required applications
(2) Facilities that can be used through a dial-up connection
(3) Notes on dial-up connections

(1) Required applications

To use a dial-up connection, you must have the applications (services) listed below (if the OS is Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP, no application (service) is required):

OS Application (service)
Windows NT Service Pack 3 or later Remote access service
Windows 2000
Windows Me or Windows 98 Dial-up network

You must set the information about the connection-destination host in the remote access service or dial-up network.

Also, during installation or setup of JP1/Software Distribution, you must specify whether a dial-up connection is to be used, and (if so) you must set the user name and a password for dialing.

(2) Facilities that can be used through a dial-up connection

The following table lists the facilities that can be used through a dial-up connection for each program menu that corresponds to a component.

Table 6-3 Facilities that can be used through a dial-up connection

Component Subcomponent Program menu Supported
Server#1 Server facilities N/A (Basic facility)#2 Y
Setup --
CSV Output Utility --
Remote Installation Manager Remote Installation Manager --
Unarchiver --
Inventory Viewer --
Database Manager Database Manager --
OpenView Linkage N/A N/A --
OpenView Gateway Server N/A N/A --
Relay system#1 Relay system facilities N/A (Basic facility) Y
CSV Output Utility --
Setup --
Remote Installation Manager Remote Installation Manager --
Unarchiver --
Client Client N/A (Basic facility) Y
Local System Viewer --
Register in ID Group Y
Client Manager --
Execute Job Backlog Y
Update User Information --
Setup --
Report to Server Y
Package Setup Manager Package Setup Manager Y
Additional facility N/A Y
Distribution facility by Visual Test 6.0 N/A --
Distribution facility by Visual Test 6.5 N/A --
Packager N/A Packager Y
Asset Information Manager Subset N/A N/A --
Automatic Installation Tool N/A Automatic Installation Tool --
Startup Kit facility support tool N/A N/A --

Y: Can be used through a dial-up connection.
--: Cannot be used through a dial-up connection, or communication is disabled.
N/A: There is no applicable subcomponent or program menu.

For details about dial-up connections for client facilities of relay managers or relay systems, look down the Component column to the Client entry.

This is the basic facility that is available in an environment where a server, relay system, or client is installed. There is no special program menu.

(3) Notes on dial-up connections

Note the following points about establishing dial-up connections: