Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide
If you install the OpenView Linkage component of JP1/Software Distribution Manager on to HP NNM Network Node Manager, you can manage JP1/Software Distribution inventory information and job execution status from the monitoring window of HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier. This integrates network management by HP NNM and JP1/Software Distribution management.
The HP NNM Network Node Manager is a machine onto which HP NNM is installed that is used for managing the network configuration.
The following figure provides an overview of managing JP1/Software Distribution by linking with HP NNM.
Figure 2-68 Overview of managing JP1/Software Distribution by linking with HP NNM
For details about how to install OpenView Linkage on HP Network Node Manager, see 2.5 Installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager in HP Network Node Manager in the Setup Guide; for details about the facilities for managing JP1/Software Distribution from HP NNM, see 3. Managing JP1/Software Distribution from HP NNM in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 2.
If the OS being used is Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 (x64), JP1/Software Distribution management from HP NNM is not supported.
HP NNM is a program that manages the configuration of, and failures in, a TCP/IP network. It detects network configuration information automatically and represents it as a hierarchy diagram called a node map. A system being managed is represented by icons called symbols. JP1/Software Distribution configuration is also managed as symbols on the node map.
Using symbols on the node map, you can check the following JP1/Software Distribution inventory information:
If a JP1/Software Distribution job results in an error, it is reported to HP NNM. Therefore, you can monitor JP1/Software Distribution jobs from symbols on the node map. You can also check the execution status of the JP1/Software Distribution job.
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