Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide
JP1/AJS is a program used to automate jobs. It enables you to execute processing in sequence and at specific or regular times, and can start processing when a specific event occurs.
By using the command interface provided by JP1/Software Distribution for operations such as creating or executing jobs, you can register a command execution sequence in JP1/AJS in order to execute commands automatically or to execute JP1/Software Distribution commands when a specific event, such as a file update, occurs.
The following figure provides an overview of executing jobs automatically by linking with JP1/AJS.
Figure 2-69 Overview of executing jobs automatically by linking with JP1/AJS
For details about JP1/AJS functions and operation, see the JP1/AJS documentation.
For details about the commands provided with JP1/Software Distribution, see 4. Commands in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 2.
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