Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.14.4 Managing JP1/Software Distribution from JP1/IM

JP1/IM is a program that is linked with other JP1 products to achieve integrated management of the overall system.

JP1/IM's JP1/IM - View provides a window for selecting the programs that can be started from JP1/IM (Tool Launcher window). From this Tool Launcher window, you can start JP1/Software Distribution's Remote Installation Manager and Remote Control Manager.

JP1/Software Distribution can report information such as job execution results to JP1/IM. In JP1/IM's JP1/IM - View, you can view the reported information in the Event Console window that is used to monitor the system operation status.

The following figure provides an overview of managing JP1/Software Distribution by linking with JP1/IM.

Figure 2-67 Overview of managing JP1/Software Distribution by linking with JP1/IM


For details about the facility for managing JP1/Software Distribution from JP1/IM, see 2. Managing JP1/Software Distribution from JP1/IM in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 2.

For details about the features of JP1/IM and operation methods, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager User's Guide.