Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.14.3 Managing security by linking with JP1/Client Security Control

JP1/Client Security Control is a program that implements a series of operations management (client security management) tasks, from management of client asset information to client monitoring and handling of security risks. You can enhance your system's security by installing JP1/Client Security Control.

A client security management system employing JP1/Client Security Control uses inventory information collected by JP1/Software Distribution to monitor the client's security status. If there is any problem with security, the system can issue a warning message and take appropriate action for the risk level, such as denying network connection requests.

To link with JP1/Client Security Control, you must install Asset Information Manager Subset, which is a JP1/Software Distribution component.

The following figure provides an overview of managing security by linking with JP1/Client Security Control.

Figure 2-66 Overview of managing security by linking with JP1/Client Security Control


For details about security management employing JP1/Client Security Control and the settings required for linkage, see the Job Management Partner 1/Client Security Control Description, User's Guide and Operator's Guide.