Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Description
- (A)
- abbreviations for products
- access permission
- accessory
- acronyms
- Active Directory information in asset management database, including
- Active Directory services
- activity
- activity
- administrator
- asset
- asset information
- asset information
- status, adding
- Asset Information Manager
- Asset Information Manager
- Asset Information Manager
- features of
- license management by
- procedure for stocktaking job
- purpose of
- stocktaking
- usage of
- asset management database
- asset management database
- asset management database server
- asset management server
- asset management system
- asset management system
- association class
- (C)
- cabinet
- classes
- CN (Common Name)
- code ID
- computing
- concurrent execution license, managing
- confidential information file, checking if copied
- contract information
- conventions
- abbreviations for products
- acronyms
- diagrams
- fonts and symbols
- KB, MB, GB, and TB
- permitted characters
- version numbers
- corporate asset information, integrated management of
- Customize Job Windows
- (D)
- data files
- data files definition file
- DC (Domain Component)
- destination
- device catalog
- device change log
- device information
- exporting
- importing
- importing from devices managed by another system
- diagram conventions
- division
- division group
- DN (Distinguished Name)
- (E)
- Embedded RDB
- event manager
- export
- export items, limiting for backups
- (F)
- file operation log
- font conventions
- form
- (G)
- GB meaning
- glossary
- group
- group information
- (H)
- hardware information
- (I)
- import
- installed software information
- installed software list
- inventory information
- inventory information
- IP address
- managing usage statuses of
- workflow for associating and managing in groups
- IP group information
- IT asset
- item
- item
- definition elements
- options
- window
- Item auditor
- item category
- item category
- (J)
- job
- JP1 event
- JP1/Base
- JP1/IM
- JP1/Software Distribution
- not installed, machine on which
- not installed, machine on which
- (K)
- KB meaning
- (L)
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- license
- determining whether handled legally
- managing by assigning to device
- managing by assigning to user
- license category
- license information
- license management, examples of
- concurrent execution licenses
- install licenses
- pre-installed licenses
- second licenses
- server licenses
- user licenses
- license type
- location information
- login authentication via linkage with Active Directory
- (M)
- machine on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- machine on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- maintenance log
- managed item
- adding
- managed label
- managed level
- management
- per-license
- total count
- management name
- MB meaning
- meta table
- (N)
- network information
- network manager
- Network Presenter
- Network Presenter
- networking
- node
- node
- (O)
- object
- object class
- official authority
- official authority
- operation log
- determining status based on totals
- OU (Organization Unit)
- (P)
- package
- packaging
- patch information
- patch name list
- PC startup log
- permitted characters conventions
- program execution history
- program start log
- property
- (R)
- role information
- route
- (S)
- search pattern
- second license, managing
- SNMP trap
- software information
- software key information
- symbol conventions
- system data, importing into asset management database
- (T)
- tasks
- TB meaning
- (U)
- update
- applying
- verifying
- user information
- user inventory information
- user library
- user operations
- checking by means of operation log
- investigating
- tracing
- user report
- (V)
- version number conventions
- virus definition information
- volume contract information
- volume license points, managing
- (W)
- window title update history
- window title update log
- windows, adding
- worker
- WSUS server
- applying updates by linking to
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