
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

6.7.1 Information required for configuration (BladeSymphony)

You need the following information about the target hosts and SVP.

Figure 6‒10: Information required for configuring the reset path (BladeSymphony: not using VMware ESXi-based virtualization)


Figure 6‒11: Information required for configuring the reset path (BladeSymphony: using VMware ESXi-based virtualization)


The following table explains the specification items in the figures.

Table 6‒4: Information required for configuring the reset path (BladeSymphony)

No. in figure

Information required for configuration




Partition name

Specifies the management system name of HA Monitor.

This is information specified when you configured partitions.

Set the same processor's system name that was set for SVP#1.

If you use an N+M cold standby configuration, specify a value that is unique among all hosts that share the reset path.


LPAR name#2

Specifies the name of the LPAR in which HA Monitor is run.

This is information specified when you configured LPARs.

Specify the LPAR name that was specified on the HVM control screen.


IP address of reset path

Specifies the IP address of the reset path allocated to the target host.

For details about how to allocate IP addresses and port numbers, see 5.4.2 Necessary IP addresses and port numbers.

If auto is specified for the IP address of the SVP, set Enable for the SVP. This setting is required for HA Monitor to operate in a system configuration that supports the N+M cold-standby function#1.


Port number of reset path

Specifies the port number of the reset path allocated to the target host.


IP address of SVP

Specifies the IP address of the reset path allocated to SVP.

For an N+M cold standby configuration, specify auto.


Port number of SVP

Specifies the port number of the reset path allocated to SVP.


Machine address#3

Specifies any number that indicates the physical partition (processor) in which HA Monitor is run.

This must be the same value specified for the host in the same physical partition but different from one specified for a host in a different physical partition.

Make sure that this value is unique among all physical partitions that share the reset path.


IP address of VMware ESXi#3

Specifies the management IP address of VMware ESXi.

For details about how to allocate IP addresses and port numbers, see 5.4.2 Necessary IP addresses and port numbers.


Port number of VMware ESXi#3

Specifies the port number assigned to VMware ESXi for SSH connection.


Password#3, #4

Specifies the password required for authorization when SSH connection is established with VMware ESXi on the local host.

Specify the same password throughout the same hot-standby configuration.


Virtual machine name#3

Specifies the virtual machine name that is managed by VMware ESXi.

This is the name specified when you created virtual machines with VMware ESXi. Specify the name that was checked by VMware vSphere Client or vCenter.

This virtual machine name must be unique among all VMware ESXi systems that can be connected by HA Monitor.

The following describes how to check a virtual machine name:

  1. Execute the ifconfig command on the guest OS of the virtual machine and make note of the information specific to the virtual machine (such as the MAC address).

  2. Use VMware vSphere Client to connect to VMware ESXi.

  3. Open the window for editing the virtual machine settings and find the virtual machine with the same virtual machine-specific information that was obtained in step 1.


Specify this in the HA Monitor linkage settings for the SVP. For model BS2000 or earlier, specify this setting by using the HA command in the SVP command mode. For details, see SVP-related documentation.


This information is required only if you use Hitachi server virtualization to employ a hot-standby configuration in the LPAR mode.


This information is required only if you use VMware ESXi-based virtualization.


An SSH connection requires authentication. If you select the password authentication method, HA Monitor stores the password for an SSH connection to VMware ESXi in a unique format on the local host. Although this password is stored in such a manner that only the root user can reference it, you must evaluate what security measures might be needed, such as physically disconnecting the local disk from external networks.

Depending on the configuration, the specification of a host address (address operand in the HA Monitor environment settings) requires special care. For details, see (2) Notes about sharing a reset path among hot-standby configurations.

If you employ a mutual hot-standby switchover configuration and do not specify a host that has reset priority, you must configure the cluster management function in the HA Monitor linkage settings for the SVP. For details, see SVP-related documentation.