
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

5.4.1 Required resources and number of resources

This subsection discusses the types and number of resources that are required in a hot-standby configuration. The required resources include those required for HA Monitor and those required for servers. After you have determined the types of resources required, you must determine the number of resources of each type that you will require, based on the number of hosts and servers.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Resources required for HA Monitor

HA Monitor requires the following resources:

(2) Resources required for servers

You must determine the resources required for servers according to the nature of your jobs. HA Monitor automatically performs the hot standby operation on the following types of resources:

If you use other types of shared resources on servers, you must create appropriate shared resource connection and disconnection processing as user commands beforehand.


Check the specifications of the server that is subject to hot standby processing for the information required with respect to deploying shared disks or file systems.

(3) Maximum and minimum resource configurations

The table below describes the maximum and minimum hardware and software configurations that are supported by HA Monitor.

Note that this table provides only logical values. When you configure an actual system, you must determine a configuration that is appropriate to the actual processor performance and operating environment. The maximum configuration provided in this table is based on HA Monitor's logical values. Therefore, these values might be restricted by the OS and the system configuration that are actually being used. For the actual values, check the appropriate product documentation.

Table 5‒2: Maximum and minimum resource configurations supported by HA Monitor



Maximum configuration

Minimum configuration


Number of hosts per hot-standby configuration



Number of monitoring paths per host



Number of reset paths per host#6



Number of volume groups on a shared disk per server



Number of file systems on a shared disk per server



Number of shared disk physical devices per server#2




Number of HA Monitors per host



Number of servers per host (not including resource servers)

128#1, #3


Number of programs per server that use the program management function#4



Number of alias IP addresses per host



Number of resource servers per host



Legend: --: There is no limitation.

#1: The value differs when HA Monitor Extension is used. For details, see (1) Maximum number of hosts that can be specified.

#2: Applicable only when SCSI reservation for shared disk is used

#3: This value applies if the maximum number of servers that can operate is set. In other cases, the value is 16.

#4: Applicable only when the monitor-mode program management function is used.

#5: This value applies if the maximum number of servers that can operate is set. In other cases, the value is 8.

#6: Reset paths are not necessary when SCSI reservation or the function for controlling hot standby based on the availability of LAN communications is used.

#7: The value is 0 when you are using SCSI reservation or the function for controlling hot standby based on the availability of LAN communication.