
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

3.7.2 Changing the maximum number of hosts

The default for the maximum number of hosts in a hot-standby configuration is 32. When you use HA Monitor Extension, you can increase this number to more than 32, which enables you to apply one hot-standby configuration to a large system in which more than 32 hosts run concurrently.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Maximum number of hosts that can be specified

When you use HA Monitor Extension, you can specify any value from 32 to 256 as the maximum number of hosts in a hot-standby configuration.

(2) Operation when the maximum number of hosts is set to more than 32

When the maximum number of hosts is set to more than 32, alive messages are transmitted by multicasting on all monitoring paths. When one alive message is sent by multicasting, all HA Monitors (other than the local HA Monitor) receive the alive message. For details about alive messages, see (1) Monitoring between hosts.

(3) Required environment settings

To change the maximum number of hosts, you must specify the following environment settings:

The following figure shows an example of the environment settings for changing the maximum number of hosts.

Figure 3‒43: Example of environment settings for changing the maximum number of hosts


This example uses hosts 1 through 32 as primary systems and host 33 as the secondary system. For hosts 1 through 32, the number of hosts to be connected is 2 including the local host because they all connect to host 33. For host 33, the number of hosts to be connected is 33 including the local host because host 33 connects to hosts 1 through 32. Therefore, for host 33, 33 is specified in the hostmax operand. For hosts 1 through 32, although the number of hosts to be connected is 2 for each of them, 33 is specified in the hostmax operand because each of these hosts connects to host 33 for which the maximum number of hosts is set to 33 or greater.