
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

3.7 Functions of HA Monitor Extension

This section explains the functions provided by HA Monitor Extension.

HA Monitor Extension is an optional HA Monitor product that is used to handle hot standby control in a large system for such purposes as increasing the maximum number of hosts to be controlled by HA Monitor.

Note that HA Monitor Extension cannot be used if SCSI reservation for shared disk or the function for controlling hot standby based on the availability of LAN communications is used.

The following table lists and describes the functions of HA Monitor Extension.

Table 3‒3: Functions of HA Monitor Extension


When HA Monitor Extension is used

When HA Monitor Extension is not used

Changing the maximum number of servers

You can change to more than 128 the maximum number of servers that can run concurrently on a single host.

The maximum number of servers that can run concurrently on a single host is 128.

Changing the maximum number of hosts

You can change to more than 32 the maximum number of hosts in a hot-standby configuration.

The maximum number of hosts in a hot-standby configuration is 32.

The subsections below provide the details of these functions.


To use HA Monitor Extension, you must perform the following tasks on all the hosts in the hot-standby configuration:

  • Install HA Monitor Extension.

  • Specify the environment settings for HA Monitor Extension in the definition file.

  • Execute the HA Monitor environment setup command (monsetup -ex command) to enable the functions of HA Monitor Extension.

Organization of this section