
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

4.8 Replacing HADB client with a revised version

This section describes how to replace HADB client with a revised version.

When the following condition is met, you can replace HADB client with a revised version instead of upgrading it.

The following shows examples that constitute replacement with a revised version of HADB client is possible, and examples that do not.

▪ Scenarios where HADB client is replaced with a revised version

For example, in the following scenarios, because the version numbers and revision numbers are the same, the process constitutes replacement with a revised version.

03-02 -> 03-02-/A

03-02-/B -> 03-02-/D

▪ Scenarios where HADB client is not replaced with a revised version

For example, in the following scenarios, because the version number or revision number differs, the process does not constitute replacement with a revised version.

03-02 -> 03-03-/A

03-02-/B -> 03-03-/D

This scenario is considered to be an upgrade of the HADB client. For details about how to upgrade an HADB client, see 4.6 Upgrading an HADB client.

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