
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

4.7.4 Tasks to be performed after downgrading

Use the following procedure to verify that the HADB client has been downgraded successfully.

Organization of this subsection

(1) HADB client (Windows edition)

Check the properties of one of the following files to verify that the old version of the file is installed.

If an ODBC driver is used, also check the versions of all DLL files whose names begin with adbodbc.

(2) HADB client (Linux edition)

To verify that the HADB client has been downgraded successfully:


  1. Connect to the HADB server by executing the adbsql command.

  2. Check the message KFAA70003-I.

    Confirm that the message KFAA70003-I output to the client message log file displays the old version.