
Hitachi Advanced Database Application Development Guide

4.8.1 Procedure for replacing HADB client with a revised version

To replace an HADB client with a revised version:


  1. Perform the required preparation.

    The preparation required before you can replace the HADB client is the same as before upgrading an HADB client. For details, see 4.6.1 Preparations before upgrading an HADB client.

  2. Check the cautionary notes that apply to HADB client replacement.

    The cautionary notes regarding HADB client replacement are the same as when upgrading the HADB client. For details, see 4.6.2 Notes about upgrading.

  3. Replace the HADB client with the revised version.

    The procedure for replacing the HADB client is the same as the upgrade process. For details, see 4.6.3 How to upgrade an HADB client.

  4. Confirm that the replacement process is complete.

    Confirm that the code in the version information of the HADB client has changed. For details about the confirmation method, see 4.6.4 Tasks to be performed after upgrading.