Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.17 When a HiRDB (unit) terminates abnormally due to a system log file shortage

If a system log file swap is triggered when there is no system log file that can be swapped, HiRDB (the unit) terminates abnormally due to a system log file shortage. If this occurs, take one of the three approaches outlined in the following table, as applicable.

Table 20-20 Actions to be taken when a HiRDB (unit) terminates abnormally due to a system log file shortage

Policy or condition for taking action Procedure referencing destination
If the first priority is restarting the unit See 20.17.1 Unit-restarting procedure (with priority given to restarting the unit) and take the necessary action.
If you are restarting the unit after having identified the cause See 20.17.3 Unit-restarting procedure (restarting the unit after identifying the cause) and take the necessary action.
The cause of the system log file shortage has been identified. See 20.17.4 Unit-restarting procedure (after the cause of the system log file shortage has been identified) and take the necessary action.
If a HiRDB single server configuration is being used, substitute HiRDB single server configuration for back-end server (BES) when reading the explanation below. Also, when executing the command, do not specify the -s option.
Organization of this section
20.17.1 Unit-restarting procedure (with priority given to restarting the unit)
20.17.2 Unit-restarting procedure (restarting the unit after adding a system log file)
20.17.3 Unit-restarting procedure (restarting the unit after identifying the cause)
20.17.4 Unit-restarting procedure (after the cause of the system log file shortage has been identified)
20.17.5 Changing a system log file to unloaded status
20.17.6 Determining the number of records necessary for unit restart
20.17.7 Adding system log files
20.17.8 Deleting the system log files that were added
20.17.9 Action to take when there are system log files that are in extracting status
20.17.10 Actions to take after eliminating the system log file shortage