Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.17.5 Changing a system log file to unloaded status

This section explains how to change a system log file to unloaded status.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Operation unloading system log
(2) Operation without unloading system log

(1) Operation unloading system log

The procedure is explained using an example.

This example changes the system log files of the back-end server (bes1) to unloaded status.

  1. Execute the pdlogls command to check the status of the system log files.


    System log files for which u or a is shown in the Status column are waiting to be unloaded. In this example, log002 to log005 are waiting to be unloaded.
  2. Execute the pdlogunld command to unload the system log files.
    pdlogunld -d sys -s bes1 -g log002 -o /hirdb/unload_dir/log2unld
    pdlogunld -d sys -s bes1 -g log003 -o /hirdb/unload_dir/log3unld
    pdlogunld -d sys -s bes1 -g log004 -o /hirdb/unload_dir/log4unld
    pdlogunld -d sys -s bes1 -g log005 -o /hirdb/unload_dir/log5unld
    Execute the pdlogunld command on the system log files that you determined were waiting to be unloaded in step 1.
  3. Execute the pdlogls command to check the status of the system log files.


    System log files for which - or e is shown in the Status column are in unloaded status. In this example, system log files log002 to log005 were changed from unload-waiting status to unloaded status.

(2) Operation without unloading system log

The procedure is explained using an example.

There are actually two procedures. If you are using system log files following a log point, use Procedure 1; if you are not using system log files following a log point, use Procedure 2.

This example changes the system log files of the back-end server (bes1) to unloaded status.

Procedure 1 (Using system log files following a log point)
  1. Execute the pdlogls command to check the status of the system log files.


    System log files for which u or a is shown in the Status column are waiting to be unloaded. In this example, log002 to log005 are waiting to be unloaded.
  2. Execute the pdlogchg command to change the status of the system log files.
    pdlogchg -d sys -s bes1 -z /hirdb/logpoint_dir/logpoint
    For the -z option, specify log point information. The status of all system log files older than the log point changes.
  3. Execute the pdlogls command to check the status of the system log files.


    System log files for which - or e is shown in the Status column are in unloaded status.
    In this example, system log files log002 and log003 were changed from unload-waiting status to unloaded status. Since system log files log004 and log005 are system log files following the log point (system log files that will be needed during database recovery), they remain in unload-waiting status.

Procedure 2 (Not using system log files following a log point)
  1. Execute the pdlogls command to check the status of the system log files.


    System log files for which u or a is shown in the Status column are waiting to be unloaded. In this example, log002 to log005 are waiting to be unloaded.
  2. Execute the pdlogchg command to change the status of the system log files.
    pdlogchg -d sys -s bes1 -g log002
    pdlogchg -d sys -s bes1 -g log003
    pdlogchg -d sys -s bes1 -g log004
    pdlogchg -d sys -s bes1 -g log005
    Executing the pdlogchg command forcibly changes system log files from unload-waiting status to unloaded status.
  3. Execute the pdlogls command to check the status of the system log files.


    System log files for which - or e is shown in the Status column are in unloaded status. In this example, system log files log002 to log005 were changed from unload-waiting status to unloaded status.