Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


19.3.2 Registering optimizing information by using a parameter file that contains optimized information

You can register in a dictionary table any parameter file that contains optimized information described by the user, or any parameter file that contains optimized information that has been saved for backup purposes.

To register optimizing information by using a parameter file that contains optimized information, execute the pdgetcst command.

There are some issues that you must take into account when you use a parameter file that contains optimized information. For details, see 19.4.1 Using a parameter file that contains optimized information after table and index definitions are modified.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Execution example

(1) Execution example

This example uses a parameter file that contains optimized information (/tmp/param_file) to register the optimizing information for table USER1.T1 in a dictionary table. A pdgetcst command execution example for this operation follows:

pdgetcst -s /tmp/param_file -a USER1 -t T1