Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


19.3.1 About parameter files that contain optimized information

A parameter file that contains optimized information is a file in which information indicating table characteristics is described in text format. Using this file, you can register in a dictionary table any optimizing information described by the user and then use it to optimize SQL statements.

You can also save optimizing information registered in a dictionary table to a parameter file that contains optimized information.

The following figure provides an overview of a parameter file that contains optimized information.

Figure 19-3 Overview of a parameter file that contains optimized information


Organization of this subsection
(1) Contents of a parameter file that contains optimized information
(2) Creating a parameter file that contains optimized information

(1) Contents of a parameter file that contains optimized information

A parameter file that contains optimized information contains information such as the number of lines in tables, the number of index key values, and column value distribution.

For details about the specific items in a parameter file that contains optimized information, see Optimization information parameter file in the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.

(2) Creating a parameter file that contains optimized information

The following two methods are available for creating a parameter file that contains optimized information:

(a) Using a text editor

To specify desired values for the various items comprising a parameter file that contains optimized information, use a text editor to create the file.

For details about how to use a text editor to create a parameter file that contains optimized information, see Optimization information parameter file in the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.

(b) Using the pdgetcst command to save optimizing information to a parameter file that contains optimized information

By using the pdgetcst command to save optimizing information to a parameter file that contains optimized information, you can save the optimizing information registered in a dictionary table to the parameter file that contains optimized information. For details about how to save optimizing information, see 19.3.3 Saving optimizing information to a parameter file that contains optimized information.