Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


15.4 Modifying the size or attributes of an RDAREA (RDAREA reinitialization)

Executor: HiRDB administrator

The initialize rdarea statement of the database structure modification utility (pdmod command) can be used to modify the size of an RDAREA or to modify its attributes (re-initialize it). RDAREA reinitialization means erasing all data in an RDAREA in order to increase its size or to modify its attributes (for example, to increase or decrease the size of a HiRDB file constituting the RDAREA or to modify its segment size).

By reinitializing an RDAREA, you can change the HiRDB files that constitute the RDAREA and change the disk layout for RDAREAs. For the procedure, see 15.4.10 Example 9 (changing the disk layout for RDAREAs).

Note that the master directory RDAREA, data dictionary RDAREAs, and data directory RDAREA cannot be reinitialized. To change the disk layout for these RDAREAs, you must use the database initialization utility to initialize the database again. For details about how to migrate a database, see 12. Migrating Resources Between Systems.

Organization of this section
15.4.1 Before reinitializing an RDAREA
15.4.2 Example 1 (index is defined)
15.4.3 Example 2 (index is defined)
15.4.4 Example 3 (LOB column is defined)
15.4.5 Example 4 (LOB column is defined)
15.4.6 Example 5 (abstract data type is defined)
15.4.7 Example 6 (abstract data type is defined)
15.4.8 Example 7 (using a UAP, all RDAREAs associated with a table are reinitialized, and data is recovered)
15.4.9 Example 8 (using a UAP, all RDAREAs associated with a table are reinitialized, and data is recovered)
15.4.10 Example 9 (changing the disk layout for RDAREAs)