Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


15.3.2 Example

This example expands a user RDAREA named RDAREA1.

  1. Use the pdfmkfs command to create a HiRDB file system area for the RDAREA. Perform this option only if the HiRDB file system area of the RDAREA you plan to expand does not have enough free space.
  2. Create a control statements file for the pdmod command.
  3. Use the pdmod command to expand the RDAREA.
  4. Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files.
  5. Use the pdcopy command to back up data.
The procedure step numbers correspond to the paragraph numbers in the explanation that follows. For example, step 3 above is explained in paragraph (3) below.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Use the pdfmkfs command to create a HiRDB file system area for the RDAREA
(2) Create the control statements file for the pdmod command
(3) Use pdmod command to expand the RDAREA
(4) Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files
(5) Use the pdcopy command to back up data

(1) Use the pdfmkfs command to create a HiRDB file system area for the RDAREA

pdfmkfs -n 100 -l 10 -k DB -i /rdarea/area11

A HiRDB file system area (/rdarea/area11) is created for the RDAREA.
-n: Specifies in megabytes the size of the HiRDB file system area.
-l: Specifies the maximum number of HiRDB files that can be created in the HiRDB file system area.
-k: Specifies DB to create a HiRDB file system area for RDAREAs.
-i: Specifies that the HiRDB file system area is to be initialized.
/rdarea/area11: Specifies a name for the HiRDB file system area to be created.

(2) Create the control statements file for the pdmod command

A control statements file (/pdmod/expand01) that contains the pdmod command's expand rdarea statement is created. The following are the contents of the control statements file:

expand rdarea RDAREA1                              1
   file name "/rdarea/area11/file01"               2
      initial 1000 segments;                       3

  1. Specifies the RDAREA (RDAREA1) to be expanded.
  2. Specifies the HiRDB file to be added; /rdarea/rdarea11 is the HiRDB file system area created in step (1).
  3. Specifies the number of segments for the HiRDB file.

(3) Use pdmod command to expand the RDAREA

pdmod -a /pdmod/expand01

-a: Specifies the name of the control statements file for the pdmod command created in step (2).

(4) Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files

pdlogswap -d sys -w

(5) Use the pdcopy command to back up data

pdcopy -m /rdarea/mast/mast01 -M r -a -b /pdcopy/backup02
-p /pdcopy/list02

-m: Specifies the name of the first HiRDB file in the master directory RDAREA.
-M: Specifies the backup acquisition mode.
-a: Specifies that all RDAREAs are to be backed up. When an RDAREA is reinitialized, the contents of the master directory RDAREA and the data dictionary RDAREA are updated. Therefore, all RDAREAs are backed up here.
-b: Specifies the name of the backup file.
-p: Specifies the output destination of the pdcopy command's processing results listing.
For details about making backups, see 6. Backup Procedures.

We recommend that after the command has executed you check whether the execution results are correct. For details on how to check command execution results, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.