Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


15.4.4 Example 3 (LOB column is defined)

In this example, a user RDAREA (RDAREA1) is reinitialized and, at the same time, the capacity of the RDAREA is increased.

  1. Use the pdfstatfs command to determine if the HiRDB file system area has free space.
  2. Prepare a HiRDB file system area.
  3. Use the pdhold command to shut down RDAREA1 and RDAREA2.
  4. Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files.
  5. Use the pdcopy command to back up data.
  6. Create a control statements file for the pdrorg command.
  7. Use the pdrorg command to unload the data from TABLE1.
  8. Use the pdclose command to close RDAREA1.
  9. Create a control statements file for the pdmod command.
  10. Use the pdmod command to reinitialize (increase the size of) RDAREA1.
  11. Use the pdopen command to open RDAREA1.
  12. Create a control statements file for the pdrorg command.
  13. Use the pdrorg command to reload data for TABLE1.
  14. Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files.
  15. Use the pdcopy command to back up data.
  16. Use the pdrels command to release RDAREA1 and RDAREA2 from shutdown status.
The procedure step numbers correspond to the paragraph numbers in the explanation that follows. For example, step 3 above is explained in paragraph (3) below.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Use the pdfstatfs command to determine if the HiRDB file system area has free space
(2) Prepare a HiRDB file system area
(3) Use the pdhold command to shut down RDAREA1 and RDAREA2
(4) Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files
(5) Use the pdcopy command to back up data
(6) Create the control statements file for the pdrorg command
(7) Use the pdrorg command to unload the data from TABLE1
(8) Use the pdclose command to close RDAREA1
(9) Create the control statements file for the pdmod command
(10) Use the pdmod command to reinitialize (increase the size of) RDAREA1
(11) Use the pdopen command to open RDAREA1
(12) Create the control statements file for the pdrorg command
(13) Use the pdrorg command to reload data for TABLE1
(14) Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files
(15) Use the pdcopy command to back up data
(16) Use the pdrels command to release RDAREA1 and RDAREA2 from shutdown status

(1) Use the pdfstatfs command to determine if the HiRDB file system area has free space

pdfstatfs /rdarea/area01

(2) Prepare a HiRDB file system area

Assume you determined in step (1) that the HiRDB files system area has no free space. In order to increase the size of the RDAREA when you reinitialize it, you must use one of the following methods to prepare a HiRDB file system area:

  1. Allocate a new HiRDB file system area that is larger than the existing HiRDB file system area.
  2. Allocate a new HiRDB file system area in addition to the existing HiRDB file system area.
  3. Expand the existing HiRDB file system area.

This example uses method 1 to prepare a HiRDB file system area.

pdfmkfs -n 100 -l 10 -k DB -i /rdarea/area02

(3) Use the pdhold command to shut down RDAREA1 and RDAREA2

pdhold -r RDAREA1,RDAREA2

(4) Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files

pdlogswap -d sys -w

(5) Use the pdcopy command to back up data

pdcopy -m /rdarea/mast/mast01 -M r -a -b /pdcopy/backup01 -p /pdcopy/list01

-m: Specifies the name of the first HiRDB file in the master directory RDAREA.
-M: Specifies the backup acquisition mode.
-a: Specifies that all RDAREAs are to be backed up. When an RDAREA is reinitialized, other RDAREAs are also updated as explained in 6.3 RDAREAs to be backed up together. Therefore, you must also back up other RDAREAs as shown in section 6.3. In this example, all RDAREAs are backed up.
-b: Specifies the name of the backup file.
-p: Specifies the output destination of the pdcopy command's processing results listing.
For details about making backups, see 6. Backup Procedures.

(6) Create the control statements file for the pdrorg command

A control statements file containing the pdrorg command's unload statement (/pdrorg/unld01) is created. The following are the contents of the control statements file:

unload /unld/unldfile1

Specifies the name of the unload file.

(7) Use the pdrorg command to unload the data from TABLE1

pdrorg -k unld -j -t TABLE1 /pdrorg/unld01

-k: Specifies unld in order to unload.
-j: Specifies that the table to be unloaded contains a LOB column.
-t: Specifies the name of the table to be unloaded.
/pdrorg/unld01: Specifies the name of the control statements file for the pdrorg command created in step (6).

(8) Use the pdclose command to close RDAREA1

pdclose -r RDAREA1

(9) Create the control statements file for the pdmod command

A control statements file that contains the pdmod command's initialize rdarea statement (/pdmod/init01) is created. The following are the contents of the control statements file:

initialize rdarea RDAREA1                               1
   with reconstruction                                  2
   file name "/rdarea/area02/file01"                    3
      initial 3000 segments;                            4

The newly created HiRDB file system area is allocated for RDAREA1.
  1. Specifies the RDAREA (RDAREA1) to be reinitialized.
  2. Because the file structure is being changed from what it was before reinitialization, specify with reconstruction.
  3. Specifies the HiRDB file that is to constitute the RDAREA.
  4. Specifies the number of segments for the HiRDB file.

(10) Use the pdmod command to reinitialize (increase the size of) RDAREA1

pdmod -a /pdmod/init01

-a: Specifies the name of the control statements file for the pdmod command created in step (9).

(11) Use the pdopen command to open RDAREA1

pdopen -r RDAREA1

(12) Create the control statements file for the pdrorg command

A control statements file containing the pdrorg command's unload, index and sort statements (/pdrorg/reld01) is created. The following are the contents of the control statements file:

unload /unld/unldfile                        1
index INDEX1 /unld/index_inf                 2
sort /tmp/sortwork                           3

  1. Specifies the name of the unload file.
  2. Specifies the index identifier (INDEX1) and the name of the index information file (/unld/index_inf).
  3. Specifies the name of the sort work directory.

(13) Use the pdrorg command to reload data for TABLE1

pdrorg -k reld -j -t TABLE1 /pdrorg/reld01

To create the index (INDEX1) at the same time, the -i option is omitted in order to execute in the batch index creation mode.
-k: Specifies reld in order to reload.
-j: Specifies that the table to be reloaded contains a LOB column.
-t: Specifies the name of the table to be reloaded.
/pdrorg/reld01: Specifies the name of the control statements file for the pdrorg command created in step (12).

(14) Use the pdlogswap -d sys -w command to swap the system log files

pdlogswap -d sys -w

(15) Use the pdcopy command to back up data

pdcopy -m /rdarea/mast/mast01 -M r -a -b /pdcopy/backup02 -p /pdcopy/list02

When an RDAREA is reinitialized, other RDAREAs are also updated as explained in 6.3 RDAREAs to be backed up together. Therefore, you must also back up other RDAREAs as shown in section 6.3. In this example, all RDAREAs are backed up. For details about making backups, see 6. Backup Procedures.

(16) Use the pdrels command to release RDAREA1 and RDAREA2 from shutdown status

pdrels -r RDAREA1,RDAREA2

We recommend that after the command has executed you check whether the execution results are correct. For details on how to check command execution results, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.