Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


3.5 Procedures for manipulating system log files

Executor: HiRDB administrator

This section describes the procedures for manipulating system log files. The following topics are covered:

  1. Checking for files in swappable target status
  2. When there is no file in swappable target status
  3. Unloading the current file
  4. Unloading a file in unload completed status
  5. When the system log in a file in unload wait status is not needed
  6. Changing a file's status
  7. Increasing (or reducing) the system log file size during HiRDB operation
  8. Adding a new system log file
  9. Deleting a system log file
Organization of this section
3.5.1 Checking for files in swappable target status
3.5.2 When there is no file in swappable target status
3.5.3 Unloading the current file
3.5.4 Unloading a file in unload completed status
3.5.5 When the system log in a file in unload wait status is not needed
3.5.6 Changing a file's status
3.5.7 Increasing (or reducing) the system log file size during HiRDB operation
3.5.8 Adding a new system log file
3.5.9 Deleting a system log file