Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


3.5.2 When there is no file in swappable target status

The pdlogls command is used to check for files in overwrite enabled status.

Organization of this subsection
(1) When there is a file in overwrite enabled status
(2) When there is no file in overwrite enabled status

(1) When there is a file in overwrite enabled status

If there is a file in overwrite enabled status, place it in unload completed status, thus creating a file in swappable target status. There are two ways to change a file's status from unload wait to unload completed:

Care must be exercised in executing the pdlogchg command on a file that contains system log information that is required for system or database recovery. If the file is overwritten, system log information required for system and database recovery will be lost, in which case it will not be possible to recover the database in the event of an error.

If you are using the HiRDB Datareplicator, you must release the extracting status. When you are using the updatable online reorganization function of the HiRDB Staticizer Option, you must release the overwriting denied status for online reorganization. If you do not release these statuses, it will not be possible for the file to be placed in swappable target status.

(2) When there is no file in overwrite enabled status

Add a system log file. For details, see 3.5.8 Adding a new system log file.