Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


3.5.7 Increasing (or reducing) the system log file size during HiRDB operation

Use the procedure explained below to increase the system log file size.

  1. Use the pdlogs command to check the status of the system log files.
    pdlogls -d sys -s b001
  2. Use the pdlogcls command to reserve files that can be placed in swappable target status.
    pdlogcls -d sys -s b001 -g syslog01
  3. Use the pdlogrm command to delete reserved files.
    pdlogrm -d sys -s b001 -f /sysfile01/syslog1a
    pdlogrm -d sys -s b001 -f /sysfile01/syslog1b
  4. Use the pdloginit command to re-create the system log files deleted in step 3.
    In such a case, increase the record count to a value greater than that for the previous system log files. When reducing the file size, also reduce the record count.
    pdloginit -d sys -s b001 -f /sysfile01/syslog1a -n 5000
    pdloginit -d sys -s b001 -f /sysfile01/syslog1b -n 5000
  5. Use the pdlogopen command to place the files created in step 4 in swappable target status.
    pdlogopen -d sys -s b001 -g syslog01

We recommend that after the command has executed you check whether the execution results are correct. For details on how to check command execution results, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.

When you change files in swappable target status to reserved status, be sure not to change all of them. If swapping of system log files occurs when there are no files in swappable target status, HiRDB (or the unit for a HiRDB parallel server configuration) terminates abnormally. Make sure that there is still at least one swappable target file when you change the system log file size.