OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages


15.1 Abort Codes

If an abort code is output with the KFCA00105-E message, take one of the following actions. Note, however, that the descriptions of abort codes beginning with m include self-contradiction codes or maintenance information that is output with a message other than KFCA00105-E.

If the abort code is shown in the list:
Take the appropriate action according to the cause and countermeasure shown in the list of abort codes.

If the abort code is not shown in the list:
The error message that was output before the KFCA00105-E message may indicate the cause of the error. Take the countermeasures shown in that message. If no such message was output or if you cannot correct the error, contact maintenance personnel.
Organization of this section
(1) List of abort codes beginning with the letter a or A
(2) List of abort codes beginning with the letter c
(3) List of abort codes beginning with the letter d or D
(4) List of abort codes beginning with the letter E
(5) List of abort codes beginning with the letter f
(6) List of abort codes beginning with the letter g or G
(7) List of abort codes beginning with the letter h or H
(8) List of abort codes beginning with the letter i or I
(9) List of abort codes beginning with the letter j or J
(10) List of abort codes beginning with the letter k
(11) List of abort codes beginning with the letter l or L
(12) List of abort codes beginning with the letter m or M
(13) List of abort codes beginning with the letter n
(14) List of abort codes beginning with the letter o
(15) List of abort codes beginning with the letter p or P
(16) List of abort codes beginning with the letter q
(17) List of abort codes beginning with the letter r or R
(18) List of abort codes beginning with the letter s or S
(19) List of abort codes beginning with the letter t or T
(20) List of abort codes beginning with the letter U
(21) List of abort codes beginning with the letter v or V
(22) List of abort codes beginning with the letter w or W
(23) List of abort codes beginning with the letter x or X
(24) List of abort codes beginning with the letter Y
(25) List of abort codes beginning with the letter z

(1) List of abort codes beginning with the letter a or A

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter a or A.

Table 15-1 Abort codes beginning with the letter a or A

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
accls06 dc_rpc_mainloop or dc_adm_complete is not issued. Take the action described in PROTOCOL in the KFCA01844-E message.
The system common definition has encountered a conflict between the dcbindht definition and the multi-node physical definition. Check to see if the dcbindht definition in the system common definition has a network name to be used in TP1/Multi; if so, delete the network name.
acfrc07 The dcstop command was used to terminate the system forcibly immediately before termination of OpenTP1. No problem arises when OpenTP1 terminated. If OpenTP1 did not terminate, contact the maintenance personnel.
The system common definition has encountered a conflict between the dcbindht definition and the multi-node physical definition. Check to see if the dcbindht definition in the system common definition has a network name to be used in TP1/Multi; if so, delete the network name.
acupp11 The $DCDIR environment variable is undefined or invalid. Check if the $DCDIR environment variable is correctly set. When other messages have been output, take countermeasures according to them. Otherwise, save the collected information and contact the maintenance personnel.
acwsc20 The system common definition has encountered a conflict between the dcbindht definition and the multi-node physical definition. Check to see if the dcbindht definition in the system common definition has a network name to be used in TP1/Multi; if so, delete the network name.
amsrt18 The system common definition is invalid. Check if the $DCCONFPATH environment variable and the system common definition are correctly set. If correctly set, save the collected information and contact the maintenance personnel.
amsrt2a The system start completion command specified in the user_command_online operand in the system environment definition did not terminate normally. The system start completion command registered in OpenTP1 did not terminate normally. Use the OpenTP1 message log and other sources to check that the command operates normally.
The $DCDIR environment variable is undefined or invalid. Check if the $DCDIR environment variable is correctly set. When other messages have been output, take countermeasures according to them. Otherwise, save the collected information and contact the maintenance personnel.
asini33 The directory indicated by the environment variable ($DCCONFPATH) does not contain the necessary definition files or contains a file that cannot be analyzed by TP1/LiNK. Take the following actions, and then restart TP1/LiNK:
  • Make sure that the directory indicated by the environment variable ($DCCONFPATH) contains all of the following files. If any of these file is missing, copy it from the backup files or re-install TP1/LiNK.
  • If the definition files in the directory indicated by the environment variable ($DCCONFPATH) have been manually edited, check the settings.
  • If unnecessary files have been copied to the directory indicated by the environment variable ($DCCONFPATH), delete them.
asmsg02 $DCDIR user ID or group ID is not found in /etc/passwd or /etc/group. Add the ID to /etc/passwd or /etc/group.
aterm01 The owner of the $DCDIR/bin/dcterm1 file is not root. Enter y in response to the dcsetup -d command to delete the file, and then re-execute the dcsetup command.
The dcstop command was used to terminate the system forcibly immediately before termination of OpenTP1. No problem arises when OpenTP1 terminated. If OpenTP1 did not terminate, contact the maintenance personnel.
awcmp11 The system common definition is invalid. Check if the $DCCONFPATH environment variable and the system common definition are correctly set. If correctly set, save the collected information and contact the maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with a not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base ADM control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with A An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base MDA control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(2) List of abort codes beginning with the letter c

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter c.

Table 15-2 Abort codes beginning with the letter c

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with c An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base CPD control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(3) List of abort codes beginning with the letter d or D

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter d or D.

Table 15-3 Abort codes beginning with the letter d or D

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Not enough DAM service shared memory. Re-estimate the memory requirements, then redefine the value of dam_cache_size (or dam_cache_size_fix) in the DAM service definition.
dO00932 Not enough process-specific area. Reduce the number of processes then reactivate OpenTP1. If the problem recurs frequently, contact the maintenance personnel.
Not enough DAM service shared memory. Re-estimate the memory requirements, then respecify the value of dam_cache_size (or dam_cache_size_fix) in the DAM service definition.
Codes beginning with d not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/FS/Direct Access control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
DMip001 The IST service has not been started. Specify Y in the ist_conf operand of the system service configuration definition. If Y is already specified, contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with D not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base IST control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(4) List of abort codes beginning with the letter E

The table below shows the abort code beginning with the letter E.

Table 15-4 Abort code beginning with the letter E

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
E00002 The SPP.NET process terminated abnormally because a ThreadAbortException exception occurred in SPP.NET. Check the contents of the SPP.NET processing, and then re-execute.

(5) List of abort codes beginning with the letter f

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter f.

Table 15-5 Abort codes beginning with the letter f

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
An error occurred in the file service. Save the information collected and contact maintenance personnel immediately. See the manual OpenTP1 Operation about the information.
Codes beginning with f not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base FIL control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(6) List of abort codes beginning with the letter g or G

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter g or G.

Table 15-6 Abort codes beginning with the letter g or G

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
An error occurred in the log service. Save the information collected and contact maintenance personnel immediately. See the manual OpenTP1 Operation about the information.
g140002 dc_gwf_open might have been called twice, or might have been called after dc_rpc_open. Check and, if necessary, correct the program to ensure that:
  • dc_gwf_open is not called twice (even after dc_gwf_close is called).
  • dc_gwf_open is not called after dc_rpc_open.
If the error occurs again, write down this abort information and contact maintenance personnel (save the core file).
g550020 An error occurred during queue operation (system call) of the queue-receiving server. The gid operand specified in the user service definition or user service default definition differs from the group ID of the OpenTP1 administrator. Delete the specification of the gid operand, or specify the group ID of the OpenTP1 administrator.
Codes beginning with g not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base LOG control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with G An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base GWF control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(7) List of abort codes beginning with the letter h or H

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter h or H.

Table 15-7 Abort codes beginning with the letter h or H

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
h002006 An error occurred during registration of the name service information. If other messages have been output, take countermeasures according to them. If such messages have not been output, save the collected information and contact maintenance personnel immediately.
h021006 The gid operand of the user service definition or user service default definition has a group ID specification that differs from the OpenTP1 manager's group ID. Delete the gid operand from the user service definition or user service default definition.
The system failed to start multi-scheduler daemons. The number of system servers may exceed the value of the server_count operand in the system environment definition. Check if the value of the operand includes the number of multi-scheduler daemons. If the value of the operand does not include it, correct the value and restart OpenTP1.
hqda01 Although service requests are registered in the schedule queue, they were not fetched so the schedule delay limit was exceeded. The service processing of the user server may be delayed or there may be an excessive load on the entire system. Use system commands of the operating system or other methods to check the cause of the problem, take appropriate action, and restart OpenTP1.
hclen001 The processing rate of the server has deteriorated because a service request was not fetched from the schedule queue for a long time. The service processing of the user server may be delayed or the load on the entire system may be heavy. Use system commands of the operating system to check for the cause of the problem, and take appropriate action based on the KFCA00834-E message that was output immediately before this message. Then, restart OpenTP1.
Codes beginning with h not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base SCD control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with H An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base HSC control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(8) List of abort codes beginning with the letter i or I

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter i or I.

Table 15-8 Abort codes beginning with the letter i or I

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
i001001 An analysis error occurred in the definition file at start up of the server. Determine the cause of the error, apply an appropriate countermeasure, then re-execute the command.
i001040 An attempt to allocate static shared memory to be used for the timer service has failed. Re-estimate the static shared memory size, re-specify the static_shmpool_size operand in the system environment definition, and then restart OpenTP1. If this abort code is still output after you take corrective action, save the core file and contact the maintenance personnel.
The time exceeded the expiry time for the transaction branch monitoring time or service function monitoring time. Alternatively, the server process received a forced termination request in a critical status. If the KFCA00506-E message has been output to the message log, determine why the transaction branch processing time in UAP exceeded the maximum, and then take appropriate action. If the KFCA00506-E message has not been output to the message log, no action is needed.
iprfex1 The time exceeded the transaction branch CPU monitoring time. If the KFCA00506-E message has been output to the standard error output, determine why the transaction branch processing time in UAP exceeded the maximum, and then take appropriate action. If the KFCA00506-E message has not been output to the standard error output, no action is needed.
Codes beginning with i not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base TIM control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with I An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base ITV control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(9) List of abort codes beginning with the letter j or J

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter j or J.

Table 15-9 Abort codes beginning with the letter j or J

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
jacnc10 The difference that arose is sufficient to prevent continuation of the archive service during an attempt to recognize connection with the global journal archiver of the connection destination. Reactivate the system. (The system resolves the difference in recognition of connection after reactivation.)
A memory shortage or a network error occurred upon disconnection of the global journal archiver of the connection destination. Determine whether the error is caused by a network error or memory shortage and apply an appropriate countermeasure. After applying an appropriate countermeasure, reactivate then again stop the system.
jacns01 A memory shortage or a network error occurred upon updating the management information for the connection source journal server. Determine whether the error is caused by a network error or a memory shortage and apply an appropriate countermeasure.
jafnc05 Insufficient message queue resource Re-configure the kernel by changing the maximum allowable number of message queues and the maximum number of bytes stored in a message queue. These values are specified in the system parameters.
japrr10 The difference that arose is sufficient to prevent continuation of the archive service during an attempt to recognize connection with the global journal archiver of the connection destination. Reactivate the system. (The system resolves the difference in recognition of connection after reactivation.)
jarcv04 Insufficient message resources Re-configure the kernel by changing the maximum allowable number of message queues specified in the system parameter.
jclos20 Although a lock release wait is generated, it cannot enter the wait status because the management block has been used up. The process-associated area managed by the operating system library cannot be reserved. Re-estimate the memory.
jcmdc25 The system file required to start jnl cannot be opened. Check that OpenTP1 is installed correctly.
jcmdc27 The memory is insufficient. Re-estimate the memory.
jcio01 The memory or the system file table is insufficient. Check the cause of the error, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
Failed to open the journal file. Take action according to the KFCA01205-E message output immediately before this message.
jcntl51 An error occurred while the journal file service process or the command service process is stopped. Check the cause of the error and take countermeasures.
jcntl52 An error occurred while the check point dump service process is stopped.
jexit08 Insufficient message resources Re-configure the kernel by changing the maximum allowable number of message queues and the maximum number of bytes stored in a message queue. These values are specified in the system parameters.
jcntl60 The system file required to start jnl cannot be opened. Check that OpenTP1 is installed correctly.
jcntl94 The memory is insufficient. Re-estimate the memory.
Although a lock release wait is generated it cannot enter the wait status because the management block has been used up. The process-associated area managed by the operating system library cannot be reserved.
jefio25 The system file required to start jnl cannot be opened. Check that OpenTP1 is installed correctly.
jefio52 The memory is insufficient. Re-estimate the memory.
jexit08 Insufficient message resources Re-configure the kernel, increasing the values of the msgtql and msgmnb.
jfctl40 An error occurred while the journal I/O process is stopped. Check the cause of the error and take countermeasures.
jfctl84 The system file required to start jnl cannot be opened. Check that OpenTP1 is installed correctly.
jfctl89 The memory is insufficient. Re-estimate the memory.
jlock07 The wait status is unavailable because the management block has been used up. Or, an error occurred in the wait status. Check the cause of the error, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
Although a lock release wait is generated it cannot enter the wait status because the management block has been used up. The process-associated area managed by the operating system library cannot be reserved. Re-estimate the memory.
jmio103 A network error occurred. Check the cause of the network error, take countermeasures, then restart OpenTP1.
The memory is insufficient. Re-estimate the memory.
jmio111 A network error occurred. Check the cause of the network error, take countermeasures, then restart OpenTP1.
jmio113 Because of a communication error, the time specified in the jnl_watch_time operand elapsed while the user process was waiting for a response from the journal I/O process during acquisition of a journal. As a result, the system was no longer able to continue operation. This abort code might be output when the machine is under a heavy load or when the network is in an unstable state. Determine the cause of the problem and take countermeasures. If this abort code is output again after taking countermeasures, contact maintenance personnel.
The memory is insufficient or a network error occurred. Check the cause of the error from the reason code, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
jmioc17 There was no write permission for journal files. Check the write permission for the journal files.
Insufficient message resource Re-configure the kernel by changing the maximum allowable number of message queues and the maximum number of bytes stored in a message queue. These values are specified in the system parameters.
jmioq27 Insufficient message queue resource Re-configure the kernel by changing the maximum allowable number of message queues and the maximum number of bytes stored in a message queue. These values are specified in the system parameters.
jopen20 Although a lock release wait is generated it cannot enter the wait status because the management block has been used up. The process-associated area managed by the operating system library cannot be reserved. Re-estimate the memory.
jput08 There is no swap destination. Add or unload a file so that a file can be used.
jput20 An error occurred that prevents continuing the operation, such as a communication error. Check the cause of the error and take countermeasures.
jput21 The wait status is unavailable because the management block has been used up. Or, an error occurred in the wait status. Check the cause of the error, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
jput27 The time specified in the jnl_watch_time operand elapsed because of a memory shortage, network error, or swap processing in progress. As a result, the system was no longer able to continue operation. Check the cause of the error from the reason code of the message log, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
jput29 The memory is insufficient or a network error occurred. Check the cause of the error from the reason code, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
Although a lock release wait is generated it cannot enter the wait status because the management block has been used up. The process-associated area managed by the operating system library cannot be reserved. Re-estimate the memory.
jput81 There is no swap destination. Add or unload a file so that a file can be used.
jput206 An error occurred in the file while TP1/LiNK history information was being collected. Determine the cause according to the reason code in the message log and apply an appropriate countermeasure.
jswl202 An error occurred upon switching of the file (swap) while TP1/LiNK history information was being collected. Determine the cause according to the reason code in the message log and apply an appropriate countermeasure.
jswp107 No swap destination is available. Add or unload a file to make the file usable.
jswp116 An error occurred that prevents continuing the operation, such as a communication error. Check the cause of the error and take countermeasures.
Although a lock release wait is generated it cannot enter the wait status because the management block has been used up. The process-associated area managed by the operating system library cannot be reserved. Re-estimate the memory.
jswp205 The memory is insufficient or a network error occurred. Check the cause of the error from the reason code, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
jswp210 The time specified in the jnl_watch_time operand elapsed because of a memory shortage, network error, or swap processing in progress. As a result, the system was no longer able to continue operation. Check the cause of the error from the reason code of the message log, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
jtct125 The system file required for the start of jnl cannot be opened. Check whether OpenTP1 has been installed correctly.
jtct152 Not enough memory. Re-estimate the memory requirement.
Codes beginning with j not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base JNL/SJL control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Jsvn005 The XA resource service could not be started normally. The reason for the startup failure is indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA32003-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
Jsvr003 The XA resource service could not be restarted.
Codes beginning with J not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base XAR control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(10) List of abort codes beginning with the letter k

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter k.

Table 15-10 Abort code beginning with the letter k

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with k An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base TJL control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(11) List of abort codes beginning with the letter l or L

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter l or L.

Table 15-11 Abort codes beginning with the letter l or L

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with l An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base LCK control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with L An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base LIT control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(12) List of abort codes beginning with the letter m or M

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter m or M.

Table 15-12 Abort codes beginning with the letter m or M

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
m01077q An internal error was detected during collection of the MCF real-time statistical information. (TP1/Message Control BAS control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
m012005 An error occurred during initialization of the stack used for the communication server (m012005) or the server on which applications are started (m016419). Make sure that the specification in the $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/mcf file is correct.
m012016 An internal error was detected during collection of the MCF real-time statistical information. (TP1/Message Control BAS control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
m015040 A request for starting the analysis of definition information failed. Make sure that a value greater than 2048 is not specified for the definition file (maxfiles in $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/mcf) in the system service common information definition.
m015320 An attempt to set up the shared memory used by MCF failed. Check the value specified for the total size of the statically shared memory (static_shmpool_size) in the system environment definition.
m015500 An attempt to register a check point dump file failed. Make sure that:
  • The OpenTP1 configuration definition has not been changed since the previous online session terminated.
  • The environment of the active system matches that of the standby system when the switchover function is enabled.
m015592 An attempt to initialize the MCF manager has failed. Make sure that TP1/NET/Library is installed correctly. Also make sure that $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/MCF_MID_FILE is set up correctly by using the dcsetup command.
m015596 to m015598
An internal error was detected during monitoring of remaining messages in the input queue.
(TP1/Message Control BAS control)
Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
The MCF service terminated abnormally while starting OpenTP1.
(The MCF independent restart function, when it is used, is not executed because OpenTP1 is being started.)
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the error message of the MCF service. If the error cannot be corrected by this, save the core file and contact the maintenance personnel.
The MCF service terminated abnormally while terminating OpenTP1.
(The MCF independent restart function, when it is used, is not executed because OpenTP1 is being terminated.)
m015992 An attempt to start a non-resident MHP failed because the service group name was not specified in the MCF application definition. Specify the service group name of the non-resident MHP to be started in the MCF application definition.
m016410 An attempt to initialize the internal table (XP) used by MCF failed. Make sure that the execution module of the communication server you attempt to start is correctly created and matches the definition.
m016418 An attempt to initialize the internal table (MCU) used by MCF failed.
m016419 An error occurred during initialization of the stack used by the communication server (m012005) or the server on which applications are started (m016419). Make sure that the specification in the $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/mcf file is correct.
m019584 The MCF service terminated abnormally during termination of OpenTP1.
(The MCF independent restart function, when it is used, is not executed because OpenTP1 is being terminated.)
Eliminate the cause of the error according to the error message of the MCF service. If this action does not correct the error, save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
m019588 The MCF service terminated abnormally. The MCF independent restart is not performed because the restart specification (mcfmrerun) is not included in the MCF manager definition. Eliminate the cause of the error according to the error message of the MCF service.
To perform the MCF independent restart, include the restart specification (mcfmrerun) in the MCF manager definition. When the MCF independent restart does not need to be performed, delete the critical operand in the MCF system service definition cataloged in $DCDIR/lib/sysconf or specify critical=Y. By this, this abort code will not be output.
Note that even when critical=N is specified, MCF independent restart requires restart specification (mcfmrerun).
m01958B The server under control of the MCF manager failed three times consecutively within the time specified by the watch_time operand of the -t option in the restart specification (mcfmrerun) of the MCF manager definition. Eliminate the cause of the error according to the error message of the MCF service. If the error cannot be corrected by this, save the core file and contact the maintenance personnel.

  • When the reason code given in the KFCA10190-E message that was output immediately preceding the abort code is -314:
    The command that requested processing timed out.
  • When the reason code given in the KFCA10190-E message that was output immediately preceding the abort code is not -314:
    An internal error occurred.
Determine the cause of the command timeout, and, if necessary, re-execute the command. If the problem persists, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m01 not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control BAS control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m02 An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control SRV control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
m034221 An attempt to start a non-resident MHP failed because the service group name was not specified in the MCF application definition. Specify the service group name of the non-resident MHP to be started in the MCF application definition.
m03g001 An MHP slowdown was detected. The service processing of the MHP might be delayed or system load might be excessive. Use the system commands of the operating system or other means to check the cause of the problem, take appropriate action, and restart OpenTP1. Also make sure that the definition is correct.
m03g002 to m03g009 An internal error was detected during monitoring of remaining messages in the input queue.
(TP1/Message Control LMS control)
Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m03 not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control LMS control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m04 An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control UAP control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m09 An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control RCV control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
m0a5225 to m0a5227 An internal error was detected in the processing by the mcftlsln command.
(TP1/Message Control CMD control)
Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
m0a5230 to m0a5232 An internal error was detected in the processing by the mcftonln command.
(TP1/Message Control CMD control)
Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
m0a5240 to m0a5242 An internal error was detected in the processing by the mcftofln command.
(TP1/Message Control CMD control)
Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m0a not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control CMD control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m0d An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control LMI control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m0e An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control PSV control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m16 An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control LOG control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
m280001 to m280004
m280006 to m280099
m280119 to m280126
m280134 to m280520

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP or TP1/NET/UDP:
    An internal error was detected.
Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    An internal error was detected.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Either memory or the MCF work area length was insufficient.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Re-estimate required memory or the MCF work area length (value specified in mcfmcomn -p in the MCF manager definition).

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    Memory was insufficient.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    An internal error was detected.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    Re-estimate required memory.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    An error occurred during communication processing for the MCF communication service.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    An internal error was detected.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP
    Make sure that the value specified for the definition file (max_socket_descriptors in $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/mcf) in the system service common information definition is adequate.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    An internal error was detected.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Memory was insufficient.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Re-estimate required memory.
  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    The MCF work area length was insufficient.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    An internal error was detected.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    Re-estimate the MCF work area length (value specified in mcfmcomn -p in the MCF manager definition).
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    An attempt to allocate the address for a server-type connection failed.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    An internal error was detected.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    Make sure that the IP address and port number specified in the communication configuration definition are correct, and that the value set in max_socket_descriptors in the system service common information definition is adequate. Also make sure that no other program is using the port number specified in the communication configuration definition.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    An attempt to register a server-type connection failed.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    An internal error was detected.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP:
    Make sure that the value set for the definition file in the system service common information definition (max_socket_descriptors in $DCDIR/lib/sysconf/mcf) is sufficient.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP:
    Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP
    Memory was insufficient.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP
    An internal error was detected.

  • For TP1/NET/TCP/IP
    Re-estimate the required memory.
  • For TP1/NET/UDP
    Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m29 An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control STS control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m4a An internal error was detected. (TP1/Message Control STC control) Collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with m5b An internal error was detected during MCF performance verification trace acquisition. (TP1/Message Control PRF control) The error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the abort code. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the abort code or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with M These are TP1/Message Queue abort codes. The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(13) List of abort codes beginning with the letter n

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter n.

Table 15-13 Abort codes beginning with the letter n

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
An error occurred while the name service was being started or terminated. Save the information collected and contact maintenance personnel immediately. See the manual OpenTP1 Operation about the information.
An error occurred while executing the name service. Save the information collected and contact maintenance personnel immediately. See the manual OpenTP1 Operation about the information.
Codes beginning with n not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base NAM control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(14) List of abort codes beginning with the letter o

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter o.

Table 15-14 Abort codes beginning with the letter o

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
olkatm3 Execution of the system call failed. An internal conflict occurred. Collect maintenance information and contact maintenance personnel.
olkcrit The process in a critical status terminated. No problem arises if the message is output while OpenTP1 is being forcibly terminated. If the message is output at any other time, obtain the maintenance information and contact the maintenance personnel.
olkcrt2 The process terminated because it referenced the shared memory that OpenTP1 previously used. No problem arises if this message is output while OpenTP1 is being forcibly terminated or is restarted after forced termination. If the message is output at any other time, obtain the maintenance information and contact maintenance personnel.
Execution of the system call failed. Take the action described in the KFCA00107-E message.
olkrm01 The process could not be executed because the value of prc_process_count (maximum number of executable processes) in the process service definition was exceeded at the start of the process. Re-estimate the number of processes running on OpenTP1. Then set prc_process_count in the process service definition to a proper value.
Execution of the system call failed. Take the action described in the KFCA00107-E message.
olksd01 The process could not be executed because the value of prc_process_count (maximum number of executable processes) in the process service definition was exceeded at the start of the process. Re-estimate the number of processes running on OpenTP1. Then set prc_process_count in the process service definition to a proper value.
Not enough process memory. Check the number of processes. Alternatively, enlarge the swap area that was allocated by the machine. If this problem recurs frequently, contact the maintenance personnel.
Execution of the system call failed. Take the action described in the KFCA00107-E message.
oslpa01 The process could not be executed because the value of prc_process_count (maximum number of executable processes) in the process service definition was exceeded at start of the process. Re-estimate the number of processes running on OpenTP1. Then set prc_process_count in the process service definition to a proper value.
Execution of a system call failed. Take the action described in the KFCA00107-E message.
Codes beginning with o not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base OSL control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(15) List of abort codes beginning with the letter p or P

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter p or P.

Table 15-15 Abort codes beginning with the letter p or P

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
p000201 A system error occurred when starting the server. Save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
p000202 The contents of the shared memory used by the process server have been damaged.
The memory is insufficient when starting the server. Re-estimate the memory and re-execute.
p000702 Reserving a lock of the shared memory failed. Save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
p000710 Releasing a lock of the shared memory failed.
An open error or an I/O error occurred in the definition file when starting the server.
p000717 An analysis error occurred when starting the server and the executable file name cannot be acquired from the definition file. Or, the contents of the definition file are invalid. Check the cause of the error, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
p000719 An analysis error occurred when starting the server and the service group name cannot be acquired from the definition file. Or, the contents of the definition file are invalid.
p000721 An analysis error occurred when starting the server and the time when the limit for consecutive abnormal terminations is exceeded cannot be acquired from the definition file. Or, the contents of the definition file are invalid.
p000726 An analysis error occurred when starting the server and the fixed process execution priority cannot be acquired from the definition file. Or, the contents of the definition file are invalid.
P000729 A process under management of OpenTP1 terminated abnormally, and the system could no longer continue operation.
p000733 The setgid system call failed when starting the server.
p000734 The setuid system call failed when starting the server.
The memory is insufficient when starting the server. Re-estimate the memory and re-execute.
An analysis error occurred in the definition file when starting the server. Check the cause of the error, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
p000743 An analysis error occurred when starting the server and the process execution priority cannot be acquired from the definition file. Or, the contents of the definition file are invalid.
p000745 The memory is insufficient or a communication error occurred when starting the server. Save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
p000748 exec of the server failed. Check the cause of the error, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
The memory is insufficient when analyzing the definition information file when starting the server. Re-estimate the memory and re-execute.
p001005 Reserving a lock of the shared memory failed. Save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
p002001 Releasing the lock of the shared memory failed.
p100155 A lock release failed when forcibly stopping the server.
A system error occurred when completing the server termination process.
p200001 An attempt to acquire the user ID and group ID of the OpenTP1 administrator failed.
p200004 Initialization of the shared memory failed when starting OpenTP1. Check the cause of the error, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
Creation of the current directory failed when starting OpenTP1.
p200008 An I/O error occurred in the definition file when starting OpenTP1.
p200009 An analysis error occurred when starting OpenTP1 and the maximum number of concurrently started-up processes cannot be acquired from the definition file.
p200011 There is no free virtual space of the sufficient size corresponding to the shared memory pool. Re-estimate the memory and re-execute.
p200012 The maximum number of permitted shared memory attaches specified in the system is exceeded. Check the cause of the error, take countermeasures, then re-execute.
p200013 Reserving the shared memory failed. Save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
p200017 A network error occurred when starting OpenTP1. Alternatively, the operand omitted from the definition file (betranrc) must always be specified. Or, the value of prc_port is unusable for some reason (for example, it has already been used). If the contents of the definition file are invalid, correct the file, delete the OS registration by using dcsetup -d, then reregister.
p200018 Cataloging the name service information failed when starting OpenTP1.
Cataloging the signal handler failed when starting OpenTP1.
p200024 A network error occurred when starting the OpenTP1.
An I/O error occurred in the shared memory when starting OpenTP1.
p210003 Releasing the lock of the shared memory failed.
p212007 The memory is insufficient in the post-processing for abnormal termination. Re-estimate the memory and re-execute.
The contents of the shared memory are damaged. Save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
p212010 The post processing for the abnormal termination of the server failed.
p220001 The server process is forcibly stopped since the server process in the forcible stop hold is released from the critical state. None
p260000 The contents of the shared memory used by OpenTP1 are damaged. Save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
p260012 An error occurred while retrieving the service information. Or, the memory of the process cannot be reserved. Or, the nam daemon is being started, terminated, or stopped.
Communication with the process service timed out.
  • This happens because the specification of watch_time is too small. If this error occurs again after increasing the value of watch_time, save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
  • The process service is not running because of excessive load on the entire system or some other reason. Check the environment. If there are no environment problems, contact maintenance personnel.
pmain03 dcstop -fd is entered. None.
pmswp01 The process service received SIGTERM from other than the HAmonitor. This code output during shutdown means no error. Otherwise, save the core file and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with p not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base PRC control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with P An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base PRF control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(16) List of abort codes beginning with the letter q

The table below shows the abort codes beginning with the letter q.

Table 15-16 Abort codes beginning with the letter q

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with q An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base QUE control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(17) List of abort codes beginning with the letter r or R

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter r or R.

Table 15-17 Abort codes beginning with the letter r or R

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
dc_rpc_open might have been called twice. Check the program if dc_rpc_open was called twice (it must not be called after dc_rpc_close, either). If the error reoccurs, write down this abort information and contact maintenance personnel. (Save the core file.)
r170001 Memory for the process-specific area is insufficient. Check the number of processes. Alternatively, enlarge the swap area that was allocated at the machine. If this problem recurs frequently, contact maintenance personnel.
r230091 An error occurred during transmission (process-to-process communication). This error occurs as a result of a physical communication error, too small a value specified in max_open_fds or max_socket_descriptors, or a temporary error (software error). This error can also occur when a host name that will be a local loop back IP address is specified in the -h option of the dcbindht definition command.
If this error recurs after the physical cause is eliminated or occurs frequently, write down the abort information and contact maintenance personnel (save the core file).
r230095 Attempted to communicate using an invalid address. The memory may be damaged. Eliminate the cause of the damage and re-execute the command. If the memory is not damaged, save the acquired information and contact maintenance personnel. For the acquired information, see the manual OpenTP1 Operation.
r320002 An error occurred during receive (process-to-process communication). This error occurs as a result of the communication partner being aborted, a physical communication error, too small a value being specified in definition max_open_fds or max_socket_descriptors, or a temporary error (software error). If this error reoccurs after the physical cause is eliminated or occurs frequently, write down the abort information and contact maintenance personnel. (Save the core file.)
Memory for the process-specific area is insufficient. Check the number of processes. Alternatively, enlarge the swap area that was allocated at the machine. If this problem recurs frequently, contact maintenance personnel.
r390001 A stack overflow error occurred. Change (tune) the main stack amount to an adequate value in the definition file (system common definition).
r550002 An error occurred in the transaction processing. More transaction branches than trn_tran_process_count defined in the transaction service are tried to be generated. Change (tune) trn_tran_process_count to an adequate value.
If this message reoccurs after taking the above countermeasures, save the core file and contact maintenance personnel. For TP1/LiNK, apply the following countermeasure.
Though the TP1/LiNK environment definition disables the transaction facility, the user server environment definition enables it. Disable the transaction facility also in the user server environment definition.
The number of transaction branches that can be concurrently available online exceeds the upper bound in the TP1/LiNK environment definition. Correctly specify this value.
r550004 The call source might be already aborted in the chained RPC (a server in the same server group is called more than once in the same transaction using the response type RPC), or the transaction may not be terminated after three minutes since the last call in the chained RPC occurred. If the call source process is aborted, this message is irrelevant. If the call source (transaction origination) is normal and this message is output, a transaction need to be terminated within three minutes after it is started as much as possible. If this message reappears after taking the above countermeasures or the countermeasures cannot be taken, write down this abort information and contact maintenance personnel.
r550020 An error has occurred with the queue operation (system call) in the queue-receiving server. The gid clause specified in the user service definition or user service default definition differs from the group ID of the OpenTP1 administrator. Delete the specification of the gid clause or specify the group ID of the OpenTP1 administrator.
r550021 Memory for the process-specific area is insufficient. Check the number of processes. Alternatively, enlarge the swap area that was allocated at the machine. If this problem recurs frequently, contact maintenance personnel.
r550023 The executed service function damaged the response area. The service function uses the response area beyond the value of the response area length (out_len). Re-create the service function so that it does not use the response area beyond the value of the response area length (out_len). Alternatively, the area might have been damaged within the service function. Check for the damaged area.
Memory for the process-specific area is insufficient. Check the number of processes. Alternatively, enlarge the swap area that was allocated at the machine. If this problem recurs frequently, contact maintenance personnel.
r902109 An attempt to start the OpenTP1 process has failed. The sum of the value of the max_open_fds operand and the value of the max_socket_descriptors operand may exceed the upper limit for the descriptor of the operating system. Check the upper limit for the descriptor of the operating system.
r902511 The DCDIR environment variable is not set. Set the DCDIR environment variable, and then re-execute.
Codes beginning with r not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base RPC control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with R An internal error was detected. (TP1/Resource Manager Monitor control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(18) List of abort codes beginning with the letter s or S

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter s or S.

Table 15-18 Abort codes beginning with the letter s or S

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with s An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base STS control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with S An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base SEC control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(19) List of abort codes beginning with the letter t or T

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter t or T.

Table 15-19 Abort codes beginning with the letter t or T

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
t860004 The occurred error disables starting the transaction service. Take the action described in the reason code of the KFCA00955-E message.
t870000 The CD of the transaction service cannot be acquired. If an error message is already output, follow that message and take countermeasures.
The process memory is insufficient. Check the number of processes. If this error reoccurs frequently, contact maintenance personnel.
tmlA700 The resource manager registered in UAP has not been registered in the OpenTP1 system. Check the resource manager registered in UAP and the OpenTP1 system by using the trnlsrm command, then reactivate UAP after applying an appropriate countermeasure.
Shared memory was damaged. Check the area used by UAP (in particular, the receive buffer for dc_rpc_call, input area when using resource manager, area saved by malloc or another command). When there is no problem with the UAP, contact the maintenance personnel.
Process memory was damaged.
(XXXX is an alphanumeric other than above)
Upon transaction execution, the process was aborted because occurrence of the event disabled the continuation of transaction control. After aborting the process that was executing the transaction, recover the transaction by applying a transaction recovery process.
If the transaction cannot be recovered, even if a period of three times that specified in watch_time of the system common definition has elapsed, contact the maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with t not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base TRN control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with T An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base TRP control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(20) List of abort codes beginning with the letter U

The table below shows the abort codes beginning with the letter U.

Table 15-20 Abort codes beginning with the letter U

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with U An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base RTS control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(21) List of abort codes beginning with the letter v or V

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter v or V.

Table 15-21 Abort codes beginning with the letter v or V

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
va10003 The specification of parallel_count or cup_parallel_count in the client service definition is invalid. The specified number of permanent processes is greater than the maximum number of processes. Correct the specified value, and then re-execute.
va10074 The maximum time interval in permanent connection expired during execution of the chained RPCs. Check the value of the maximum time interval in permanent connection. This value is specified in the DCCLTINQUIRETIME client environment definition.
A network error may have occurred in communication with CUP when acquiring the synchronization point of transaction processing. Alternatively, memory is insufficient. Check the status of the network. If there is any problem, correct it, then re-execute. If you cannot find any problem, contact maintenance personnel. Alternatively, reestimate the memory requirement and re-execute.
va10107 The maximum transaction query interval has expired. Alternatively, memory is insufficient. Check the value for the maximum transaction query interval, which is specified in the client environment definition DCCLTTRWATTM. Alternatively, reestimate the memory requirement and re-execute.
va10142 Process memory is insufficient or an error occurred while sending a response message to the client. Re-estimate the memory allocation or find the cause of the transmission error. The error may be due to the difference in the timeout between you and the client. If you cannot correct the error, contact the maintenance personnel and provide them with the abort code.
va10208 An attempt to start the CUP executing process or transactional RPC executing process failed. If other messages have been output, take countermeasures according to them. If you cannot correct the error, save this abort information and contact maintenance personnel.
va10301 Not enough process memory. Re-estimate the memory requirement
va10302 A network error occurred. Determine the cause of the network error, apply an appropriate countermeasure, then re-execute the command.
va10303 A definition file analysis error occurred at the start of the client extension service. Check the cause of the error, apply an appropriate countermeasure, then re-execute the command.
va10350 Either of the following values in the client service definition exceeds 65,535:
  • The sum of the values specified for cltcon_port and cup_parallel_count
  • The sum of the values specified for clttrn_port and parallel_count
Correct the specified value, and then re-execute.
Codes beginning with v not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base CLT control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Vreco01 Although the number of connections being used by the RAP-processing client has reached the maximum, no connections can be released because a chained RPC is being executed. Call the dc_rpc_call function with DCNOFLAGS specified in flags to explicitly terminate the chained RPC.
Vrext03 The remote API facility was disconnected before the chained RPC was normally terminated. Check the client applications to see if there is a process that disconnects the remote API facility without terminating the chained RPC.
Vslbs99 Because the RAP-processing listener has gone down, the RAP-processing server will be restarted. None
Vslis02 An attempt to initialize the remote API facility failed. Creation of a work directory might have failed. Check the uid operand in the RAP-processing listener service definition.
Codes beginning with V not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base SCS control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(22) List of abort codes beginning with the letter w or W

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter w or W.

Table 15-22 Abort codes beginning with the letter w or W

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with w An internal error was detected. (TP1/Online Tester control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
Static shared memory is insufficient. Increase the value of the static_shmpool_size operand in the system environment definition.
A file for shared memory cannot be created because the size of the file system in the OpenTP1 installation drive exceeded the predefined value. Delete unnecessary files. Alternatively, reduce the value of the static_shmpool_size operand or dynamic_shmpool_size operand in the system environment definition.
Wsig06 Memory is insufficient. Re-estimate the page file size for virtual memory, then restart TP1/LiNK.
Wsig10 Virtual memory is insufficient. Increase the virtual memory in the Windows environment.
Wsig21 An invalid .exe file (such as a 16-bit application) may have been specified as the user server. Check whether the .exe file can be executed correctly. For the user application server, specify a 32-bit application that can be executed correctly.
Codes beginning with W not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base NTS control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(23) List of abort codes beginning with the letter x or X

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter x or X.

Table 15-23 Abort codes beginning with the letter x or X

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with x An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base CRM control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.
X629310 Insufficient memory or buffer length for TP1/NET/Library prevents transmission of the response message. Re-estimate memory, or correct the definition of the netbuff value of the TP1/NET/Library common definition.
X74ce03 The system failed to start the XATMI communication service. If a message is output from the XATMI communication service, follow the message to correct the source of the error. If such a message is not output, check if TP1/NET/OSI-TP-Extended is correctly installed or an error has occurred on TP1/NET/OSI-TP-Extended.
Codes beginning with X not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base CRM control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(24) List of abort codes beginning with the letter Y

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter Y.

Table 15-24 Abort codes beginning with the letter Y

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
Codes beginning with Y An internal error was detected. (TP1/Server Base NTB control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.

(25) List of abort codes beginning with the letter z

The table below lists the abort codes beginning with the letter z.

Table 15-25 Abort codes beginning with the letter z

Abort code Cause Countermeasure
zdm0403 The TAM service definition file open processing terminated abnormally. Alternatively, tam_max_tblnum is omitted from the TAM service definition. When the TAM service definition file open processing terminates abnormally (the corresponding message would be output previously), check whether the TAM service definition file exists. When the TAM service definition open processing terminates normally, check whether tam_max_tblnum is set. If tam_max_tblnum is set, contact the maintenance personnel.
zdm0404 tam_max_filesize is omitted from the TAM service definition. Check whether tam_max_filesize is set. If it is set, contact the maintenance personnel.
zdm0405 tam_max_recsize is omitted from the TAM service definition. Check whether tam_max_recsize is set. If it is set, contact the maintenance personnel.
The transaction information (in the shared memory) managed by the TAM table is damaged. Check if an asynchronous response RPC or a non-response RPC is used in the transaction that accesses the TAM table. Asynchronous response RPCs and non-response RPCs must not be used in such transactions.
If they are not used, contact maintenance personnel.
Codes beginning with z not listed above An internal error was detected. (TP1/FS/Table Access control) The cause of the error might be indicated by the message that was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message. Take the corrective action given for that message.
If no message was output immediately preceding the KFCA00105-E message or if no action can be taken, collect troubleshooting information and contact maintenance personnel.