OpenTP1 Version 7 Description


3.3 Message Control

An OpenTP1 system can communicate with a non-OpenTP1 system by using message control facilities (MCF) that comply with a variety of communication protocols. Using MCF, you can configure a parallel or vertically distributed network system that includes non-OpenTP1 systems.

The following software products are prerequisites for using the OpenTP1 message control facilities:

UAPs that use message control are known as message-handling programs (MHPs). In addition, some messages can be sent and received using an SPP.

Organization of this section
3.3.1 Overview of sending and receiving messages using MCF
3.3.2 Message structure
3.3.3 Application program structure and application name
3.3.4 Synchronous and asynchronous communication functions, and messages
3.3.5 Messages independent of the above communication modes
3.3.6 Message-control transactions
3.3.7 Starting user application programs
3.3.8 MCF message queues and the sending and receiving of messages
3.3.9 Message exchange by user application programs
3.3.10 Order of sending MCF messages
3.3.11 Partially changing the MCF communication service during operation of OpenTP1
3.3.12 MCF capabilities that are not supported in Windows