OpenTP1 Version 7 Description


3.3.5 Messages independent of the above communication modes

The following describes the types of messages that can be sent and received by an MHP or SPP.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Send-only messages
(2) Resending messages
(3) Synchronous communication functions and messages

(1) Send-only messages

Messages that are sent by an OpenTP1 UAP. The dc_mcf_send function is used to transmit a send-only message. The message is sent to the other system when the UAP transaction that called the dc_mcf_send function has been committed.

Figure 3-30 illustrates send-only messages.

Figure 3-30 Overview of send-only messages


(2) Resending messages

A message already sent from an OpenTP1 UAP can be resent. The dc_mcf_resend function is used to resend a message.

(3) Synchronous communication functions and messages

In addition to asynchronous communication functions, OpenTP1 supplies synchronous communication functions that are executed regardless of the transaction determination. Issuing a synchronous communication function from a UAP allows the UAP to communicate with another system without waiting for a transaction determination. In such a case communication resembles interactive processing.

(a) dc_mcf_sendsync (synchronous send function)

The dc_mcf_sendsync function is used to send a message synchronously. When the function is called from a UAP, the UAP processing stops while the message is written to the output queue. Once the message has been sent to the other system, the function returns.

(b) dc_mcf_recvsync (synchronous receive function)

The dc_mcf_recvsync function is used to receive a message synchronously. When the function is called from a UAP, the UAP processing stops while a message directed to the application specified in the function is located in the input queue. If such a message is found, the segment is received and the function returns. If no such message is found, the UAP waits for one to arrive.

(c) dc_mcf_sendrecv (synchronous send/receive function)

The dc_mcf_sendrecv function is used to send and receive messages synchronously. When the function is called from a UAP, the UAP processing stops while the message is written to the output queue. The message is sent to the other system, a reply is received, and then the function returns.