2.4.7 Report files in stacked bar graph format
The report section of a report in stacked bar graph format displays the report details, graph, and graph introductory-notes table. Depending on the settings, related statistical information can also be displayed. The following figure shows an example of a report file in stacked bar graph format.
The following subsections describe the contents displayed in report files.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Report details
The collection target server name, subresource names, and instance names are displayed as report details.
(2) Graph introductory-notes table
A graph introductory-notes table displays the legend for the display colors of the graph and the subresource or instance names. If the perspective of subresources is used, the columns display instances. If the perspective of instances is used, the columns display subresources.
The number of columns in the graph introductory-notes table can be specified in Introductory-notes Table in the Graph Detail Setup window or the graph_legend_row key in the report definition file. The maximum number of columns that can be displayed is 100. The default is 10.
(3) Graph
The values of subresources and instances are added up and displayed in bar graph format. A graph in this format consists of a graph frame, times, scale, and values. A graph is displayed from the perspective of instances or from the perspective of subresources, as specified in Report Setting in the Report Type Setup window. For details on Report Setting, see 4.9.5 Report Type Setup window.
Placing the mouse pointer over a bar in the graph displays the subresource name and instance name of that bar in a tooltip. In the tooltip, these names are displayed in the subresource-name (instance-name) format.
Figure 2-40 shows an example of a graph output from the perspective of subresources. Figure 2-41 shows an example of a graph output from the perspective of instances.
(a) Graph frame
A graph is created for each graph interval, and the created graphs are aligned vertically.
A maximum of 100 bars can be displayed in one graph.
The value set for Graph in the Graph Detail Setup window or the value specified in the graph_maxline key in the report definition file is used as the maximum number of lines that can be displayed. For details on Graph, see 4.9.5(1)(c) For bar graph, stacked bar graph and pie chart. For details on the graph_maxline key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition.
(b) Time
The time of each graph interval is displayed in the YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format.
(c) Scale
The graph is scaled by dividing the difference between the maximum and minimum values into 5 equal parts.
The lower limit is calculated from the minimum of the average values for the graph intervals within the extraction period. The upper limit is calculated from the maximum of the average values for the graph intervals within the extraction period.
A unit is displayed for the scale, and its value remains unchanged for the entire time.
(d) Subresource name or instance name
If the perspective of subresources is specified as the graph type under Report Setting in the Report Type Setup window or specified in the format key in the report definition file, the subresource name is displayed. If the perspective of instances is specified, the instance name is displayed.
For details on Report Setting, see 4.9.5 Report Type Setup window. For details on the format key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition.
(e) Value
Fractional values are rounded to the second decimal place. For integers, the decimal places .00 are added.
(4) Statistics information
For the data for which a report is to be created, the minimum value, maximum value, and average can be output for each subresource and instance as numeric values. If the minimum value or maximum value is a fraction, it is rounded to the second decimal place. If that value is an integer, the decimal places .00 are added.
The settings for outputting the statistics information can be specified in Statistics in the Graph Detail Setup window or the report definition file. For details on Statistics, see 4.9.5(1) Graph Detail Setup window. For details on the graph_statistics_info key, see 6.3.21(3) Details of the report conditions definition. By default, statistics information is not output.
You can select the statistics information format from among the four display formats for report output. The statistics information is displayed below each graph.