4.9.5 Report Type Setup window
The Report Type Setup window sets the title of a report and the report format. The following figure shows the Report Type Setup window.
The items to be set are:
- Title
Specify the title of the report with a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.
- Report Type
Select the format of the report you want to create.
Creates the report in table format.
Creates a report in line graph format.
Creates a report in histogram format.
Creates a report in bar graph format.
Creates a report in stacked bar graph format.
Creates a report in pie chart format.
By default, Table is selected.
For a graph, the number of columns that can be drawn in a graph is as follows:
Line graph: 100
Histogram: 8
Other than the above: 100 elements per graph
- Report Setting
- Table type
Select one of the following output formats to be used for a table:
Subresource Columns - Instance Rows
Instance Columns - Subresource Rows
According to Instance
According to Subresource
By default, Subresource Columns - Instance Rows is selected.
For details on output formats, see 2.4.3 Details of HTML-format report files.
- Plot type
When creating the report in graph format, specify the interval to be plotted in the graph. Specify an interval between 5 minutes and 1 day. The default is 1 hour.
For a line graph, calculates the average value from collected data at the interval specified for Plot type, and set the value as a plot point. A line that connects adjacent plot points is a collection data line. If no collection data exists in a plot interval, a plot point is not created. In such a case, the period for which a plot point is not created is ignored, and a line that connects adjacent plot points is drawn.
For a bar graph, stacked bar graph, or pie chart, each plot point constitutes a graph.
- Data sections
Specify the number of data sections, from 4 to 20, when you create a report in histogram format.
By default, 10 is set.
- Vertical Axis
When you create a report in HTML format, specify the maximum and minimum values for the vertical axis of a graph.
Automatic Action
Sets the maximum and minimum values automatically.
Sets the maximum and minimum values manually. The range of specifiable values is from 0.00 to 4,294,967,295.00. You can specify a value that has 1 decimal place.
The default is Automatic Action.
- Graph type
Specifies the output format when you create a report in bar graph format, stacked bar graph format, or pie chart format.
According to Subresource
According to Instance
The default is According to Subresource.
- 100% of valure is specified.
Select this check box to specify the reference value of a pie chart.
When you select this check box, the value of each item is displayed in a pie chart assuming that the value entered in the text box is 100 percent. You can specify a value from 0.01 to 1.7976931348623157 x 10308. If the value in the mantissa exceeds 1.7976931348623157, it is rounded.
In the text box, you can enter an exponent, e in addition to numbers. For example, when you enter 1.4e3, it means 1.4 x 103.
- Detail Setup
This button displays the Graph Detail Setup window. For details on the Graph Detail Setup window, see (1) Graph Detail Setup window.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Graph Detail Setup window
The Graph Detail Setup window sets the detailed items of a graph. The Graph Detail Setup window shows different display items, depending on the format. The following subsections describe the items for each format.
(a) For Line graph
- Introductory-notes Table
- It turns up and displays
Specifies the number of columns for a graph introductory-notes table. When this check box is selected, the graph introductory-notes table is output in the appropriate format for each subresource. In such a case, the number in the text box is applied as the number of columns in a graph introductory-notes table.
When this check box is cleared, the graph introductory-notes table is displayed in instance count-based format. In such a case, the number of columns in a graph introductory-notes table is the number of instances.
By default, this check box is selected. For details on the graph introductory-notes table format, see 2.4.4(2) Graph introductory-notes table.
- Column(s)
Specify the number of columns for a graph introductory-notes table. The setting is valid only when It turns up and displays is selected.
For the differences of report output results that depend on the setting, see 2.4.4 Report files in line graph format.
The entered value is the number of columns. If you enter a value which is greater than the number of instances of a resource to be reported, the number of columns in the graph introductory-notes table is the number of instances.
Specifiable values are an integer from 0 to 100. No invalid values can be entered. By default, 10 is set.
- Time-axis
- The start and end of a time-axis are united during the data extraction
Selecting this check box sets the extraction start date and time of the data extraction period as the start time for the time axis of the graph, and the extraction end date and time as the end time of the graph.
Clearing this check box sets the first plotted point as the start time for the time axis of the graph, and the last plotted time as the end time of the graph. By default, this check box is not selected.
If you select this check box, but omit the start and/or end time of the data extraction period, the omitted time axis follows the rule in effect when this check box is cleared.
For details on the data extraction period, see 4.9.6 Creating of Report File window.
- Scale Line
Specifies the scale for the time axis of a graph. You can specify either the number of divisions of the time axis, or the interval of scales.
- The number of division
Specify the number of scale lines of the time axis. Enter the number in the text box to the right. By default, this radio button is selected.
- Division
Specify the number of scale lines for the time axis. You cannot enter a value if Time specification is selected. The default is 4.
Specifiable values are an integer from 1 to 60. You cannot enter an invalid value. If you click the OK button without entering any value, an error dialog box appears.
- Time specification
Specify the interval of the time axis. Enter the number in the text box to the right. You cannot enter a value if The number of division is selected. By default, this button is not selected.
Although the value you can enter depends on the selection in the Interval drop-down list box, you can enter an integer from 1 (minute) to 365 (days).
When Time specification is selected, if you enter a space, a non-integer value, or a number other than 1 through 525,600, and click the OK button, an error dialog box appears.
- Interval
Enter the unit for the value you entered in the left text box. You can select minute(s), hour(s), or day(s). When The number of division is selected, you cannot select the unit.
Although minute(s) is selected by default, the selection is invalid if The number of division is selected.
- Graph Line
- The section without data is not drawn.
A graph line is drawn at the interval specified for Plot type.
When you select this check box, if no data to be used for calculating the average value in the interval specified for Plot type in the Report Type Setup window exists, a graph line with the interval is not drawn.
When you clear this check box, if no applicable data in the interval specified for Plot type exists, a line is drawn connecting the points with applicable data. This setting is valid for lines of collection data only.
When you select this check box, if you specify a value smaller than the actual resource collection interval in Plot type, a dashed graph line might be displayed. By default, this check box is not selected.
- Threshold Line
- The display of Threshold Line
Specifies the display settings of a threshold line. After selecting this check box, you can select The display of all Subresources or It displays by setup of every Subresource. The threshold line is displayed according to the radio button you selected.
By default, this check box is not selected.
When threshold settings are specified in the Threshold Line Detail Setup window, if this check box is cleared, the threshold line is not displayed.
If you specify settings for displaying a threshold line, the value set as the threshold is displayed regardless of the threshold monitoring settings.
- The display of all Subresource
Displays the threshold line for all subresources. You can select the threshold line you want to display from the drop-down list box.
When threshold settings are specified in the Threshold Line Detail Setup window, if you select The display of all Subresources, this setting takes precedence over the settings in the Threshold Line Detail Setup window. Therefore, the threshold lines of all subresources are displayed. However, the settings in the Threshold Line Detail Setup window are still valid.
You can select one of the following options for the threshold line to be displayed:
Warning and Caution Threshold
Warning Threshold
Caution Threshold
- It displays by setup of every Subresource
Specifies threshold settings for each subresource and displays the threshold.
Perform this setting in the Threshold Line Detail Setup window. If you do not specify threshold settings for each subresource in the Threshold Line Detail Setup window, no threshold line is displayed.
- Statistics
- The display of Statistics
Specifies whether to display statistics information under a graph. Select the statistics information output format for tables. You can select one of the following formats for tables from the applicable drop-down list box:
Subresource Columns - Instance Rows
Instance Columns - Subresource Rows
According to Instance
According to Subresource
The default is Subresource Columns - Instance Rows.
You can select the above formats when The display of Statistics is selected. By default, the check box is not selected.
(b) For histogram
- Introductory-notes Table
- It turns up and displays
Specifies the number of columns for a graph introductory-notes table. When this check box is selected, the graph introductory-notes table is output in the appropriate format for each subresource. In such a case, the number in the text box is applied as the number of columns in a graph introductory-notes table.
When this check box is cleared, the graph introductory-notes table is displayed in instance count-based format. In such a case, the number of columns in a graph introductory-notes table is the number of instances.
By default, this check box is selected. For details on graph introductory-notes table formats, see 2.4.4(2) Graph introductory-notes table.
- Column(s)
Specify the number of columns for a graph introductory-notes table. The setting is valid only when It turns up and displays is selected.
For the differences in report output results that depend on the setting, see 2.4.4 Report files in line graph format.
The entered value is the number of columns. If you enter a value which is greater than the number of instances of a resource to be reported, the number of columns in a graph introductory-notes table is the number of instances.
Specifiable values are an integer from 0 to 100. No invalid values can be entered. By default, 10 is set.
- Statistics
- The display of Statistics
Specifies whether to display statistics information under a graph. Select the statistics information from the output formats for tables. You can select one of the following output formats for tables in the applicable drop-down list box:
Subresource Columns - Instance Rows
Instance Columns - Subresource Rows
According to Instance
According to Subresource
The default is Subresource Columns - Instance Rows.
You can select the above formats when The display of Statistics is selected. By default, the check box is not selected.
(c) For bar graph, stacked bar graph and pie chart
- Introductory-notes Table
- It turns up and displays
Specifies the number of columns for a graph introductory-notes table. When this check box is selected, the graph introductory-notes table is output in the format appropriate for each subresource. In such a case, the number in the text box is applied as the number of columns in a graph introductory-notes table.
When this check box is cleared, the graph introductory-notes table is displayed in instance count-based format. In such a case, the number of columns in a graph introductory-notes table is the number of instances.
By default, this check box is selected. For details on graph introductory-notes table formats, see 2.4.4(2) Graph introductory-notes table.
- Column(s)
Specify the number of columns for a graph introductory-notes table. The setting is valid only when It turns up and displays is selected.
For differences in the report output results that depend on the setting, see 2.4.4 Report files in line graph format.
The entered value is the number of columns. If you enter a value which is greater than the number of instances of a resource to be reported, the number of columns in a graph introductory-notes table is the number of instances.
Specifiable values are an integer from 0 to 100. No invalid values can be entered. By default, 10 is set.
- Time-axis
- The start and end of a time-axis are united during the data extraction
Selecting this check box sets the extraction start date and time of the data extraction period as the start time for the time axis of the graph, and the extraction end date and time as the end time of the graph.
Clearing this check box sets the start time and end time of the actual data period as the start time and end time of the graph. By default, this check box is not selected.
If you select this check box, but omit the start and/or end time of the data extraction period, the omitted time axis follows the rule in effect when this check box is cleared.
For details on the data extraction period, see 4.9.6 Creating of Report File window.
- Max Line
- The maximum graph lines.
Specify the maximum number of columns to be displayed. When you select this check box, you can enter an integer from 1 to 1024. By default, 64 is set.
- Statistics
- The display of Statistics
Specifies whether to display statistics information under a graph. Select the statistics information output format for tables. You can select one of the following formats for tables from the applicable drop-down list box:
Subresource Columns - Instance Rows
Instance Columns - Subresource Rows
According to Instance
According to Subresource
The default is Subresource Columns - Instance Rows.
You can select the above formats when The display of Statistics is selected. By default, the check box is not selected.